The homeland of the ancestors in the souls, Najoud – The session is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a sincere patriotic tribute to all the people of my country who have performed the most astonishing feats in the face of the arrogance of the war-motivated foreign conspiracy. Among us is the blood of rebellion born of brutal support and their support. tails are shameless agents.

They started a war after failing to pass their framework agreement, which is the key to disintegrating Sudan into mini-states and plundering its wealth and resources for the benefit of the evil mini-state and the forces of global arrogance .

What has happened in terms of violations and practices against humanity, documented by its practitioners, is enough to subject institutions and individuals to trial, but the world has been content to issue statements and condemnations without no practical measures on the ground to stop and hold this fragment accountable. of aggression that only wants to erase Sudan as a state and its history, and erase the identity of its people, to be replaced by a demographic change of Arabs, Bidun and mercenaries on the land of civilization and history, Sudan.

But we say to these people and to those who support them with supplies and support: you will reap from Sudan only death and ruin. We are a land that rejects colonialism and a people that refuses submission and humiliation. our land a cemetery for every aggressor. Your graves will not be buried there, but rather your corpses will be food for the dogs and vultures who will humbly descend to eat them.

You will not get what you want from the country of Sudan and its people. On the contrary, you will be afflicted with calamities and sorrow in which you will bite your fingers with sorrow and remorse. None of you will be left alive to say what you want. happened to your future generations in our country. The heroic and epic deeds of the Battle of Karama are enough to be proud among our future generations.

I would like to express my special greetings and tributes to the martyr Muhammad Siddiq, who embodied courage and manhood in its finest form in the face of this treacherous force. He was the lion of Hasur when he was captured and died in the most honorable place. , tall, unwavering and strong, he was unshakable, and the people of Dagalo trembled around him, so they had no other solution than to eliminate him.

Little do they know that what they did fanned the flames of anger against them, burning them just as it burned their companions in the refinery.

In your name, O Muhammad, a battalion will arise under whose feet the children of Dagalo will tremble, from the oldest to the youngest soldier among them, or rather what remains of them.

The author of the saying “Al-Rahifah criticizes” which he and the Sudanese street supported behind slogans that turned out to be false and misleading, ended with “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we don't have an army “. “He returned to lead with his brothers the legions of victory forces at the Battle of Karama, his conclusion was therefore a message and confidence on the neck of every patriotic and zealous Sudanese not to back down, but rather “ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss until we end. Every Kadmul Jangodi is a rebel and his assistant is a Qahati agent on the run.

The martyrs of the Battle of Karamah are luminous lanterns with which we can guide ourselves on the path to victory, and to our alliance with them. As for victory over human beings, and as for God in the immortals, we will not let you down. neither will we deny our covenant with you, in your way, in walking.

My message to this monster, Hamdok, gather what you want and sign with whoever you want. You will still be panting, but not like a dog, he is loyal until you are out of breath. Serve your masters, lick their shoes in order. to please them. Prayers of damnation follow you and those with you every morning, the impure bastards who support this brutal rebellion on the homeland.

Greetings and glorification, peace and blessings be upon our people of Al-Takineh, who set the most wonderful example in providing and defending the land and honor, then they ridiculed the forces of Ganja and Kikal.

They covered their land in blood and filth to remain pure from the filth of rebellion.

Al-Takinah is the icon of the coming victory to liberate every inch of the earth from distress, the island of goodness, God willing.

Quick points before concluding

Qaht Conference in Ethiopia with 600 financial members and shepherds of this treacherous flock

Evil state refused to vote on Arab League resolution against rebel militias

Hamdok signed an agreement with Al-Hilu and Abdel Wahed, one of the conditions of which included the right to self-determination. Just as he signed a letter to the United Nations demanding a Volcker mission, here he is signing a deal in the making. the division of Sudan is a cursed colonial tool, and he and all those against whom complaints have been opened must be judged internationally.

I conclude by urgently asking our leaders to execute in public squares a fifth of the shameless chroniclers, collaborators of the rebellion and monetary speculators, so that these filthy scum of society may be a warning and a lesson to all those who think about it. strike with an iron fist and do not pity them, for there is no room for any courtesy, as slowing down with them leads to more loss of lives and occupation.

We ask God to grant victory to our armed forces, our regular agencies and the mujahideen with great victory, accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, release the captives and return the missing. He is the Almighty, Lord of all. Worlds.

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