Falcon of convenience ✍️ Muhammad Al-Aqib

Hearts are filled with pain at the scenes and stories told by people displaced by this destabilizing war which is destroying human lives and destroying infrastructure and the economy.

We ask God that the situation stabilizes and returns to normal.

This war has imposed a bitter reality on the citizen and there is no other way out than patience and prayers for the relief and victory of the armed forces.

The displaced people in Sennar State are among the citizens whose stability has been destabilized by the brutal war, but they are patient in the face of trials, and God will compensate them with kindness and ease after the trials, despite the help. provided to them, need more in terms of shelter, food and medicine, especially as fall approaches. We hope that you feel that organizations working in the field of humanitarian aid are doing their duty to wipe away tears, ease pain, soothe hearts and soothe hearts. ease the complexities of life.

The State of Sennar, with the strength of its heart and the purity of its intentions, opened its schools through an analysis of reality and a reflection on students and students are the candle of the future, and a certain a number of schools at different levels of primary, middle and secondary in certain localities are occupied by people displaced by the war. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, who provided these schools as an alternative shelter in times of distress, even though they did not seek it after being captured. was forced to make straw rafts, burlap bags and plastic to cover and protect themselves from the intense sun in the height of summer and the cold of winter.

These displaced people who took refuge in the schools and who did not leave them from the first week of opening of the schools are not against education, even if some of them opposed the entry of students , students and even some teachers in schools in the city of Sinja. from the first day, May 19, but rather with the opening of schools and the continuation of the educational process in the state. They have children who want them to learn like everyone else, as long as they have the opportunity to learn again and for free. , from what we know about them and their assurances that they are neither against education nor against the opening of schools. They just want a safe site and services available, and the alternative site in Sinja was not prepared at that time through recording a field trip. these were acceptable justifications in my opinion at the time, because the laxity in preparing the alternative accommodation site prevented the displaced people from evacuating the schools at the scheduled time. , and perhaps the close hand of the responsible committees is the main reason for the timely preparation of the site. However, the replacement of the familiar shelter with an unfamiliar one and uncertainty about the new place raises a number of feelings, questions. and anxiety in some, and this is natural in the human psyche, but these feelings and anxiety will change little by little. What is only necessary is that the responsible committees continue to prepare the accommodation. after the departure of our displaced people, filling the gaps that arise so that they are acceptable and proportionate to their numbers.

Perhaps the support of displaced people to the educational process at this time is necessary and extremely important, because it has been confirmed that the war that is currently taking place is against progress, rebirth and development, and even against human life herself and everyone else. it only comes or changes with education. Therefore, that the displaced respond to the sites identified by the competent authorities and in which they are available Security and basic services by moving without fear or hesitation, and thus they have effectively supported education, and this is an opportunity for them to discover new places and a transformative experience that adds to their experiences that the war imposed on them to live a simple lifestyle with limited space in the courtyard of the residence compared to the life in which they lived. their comfortable homes. This is how life changes from one situation to another.

Muhannad Atef Muhammad Daoud, 23, has been suffering from psychological trauma for more than a month due to the conditions in which he lived due to the war, according to what his father Atef said, who expressed his thanks and her appreciation to Dr. Safaa, who volunteered to monitor his health since his visit to the Al-Farabi College Accommodation Center, and stressed that her son was in good health and without any complaints, but the circumstances in which he lived. led him into this shock and caused him to be restricted and imprisoned.

Ahmed Muhammadin Abdullah Hussein, one of the displaced people from Al-Farabi School, suffers from kidney failure and high uremia. To save on treatment costs, he is sometimes forced to sell the humanitarian and food aid provided to him to preserve his life.

These and other cases need special and urgent support, without laxity, from charities and organizations, because the state of laxity often leads to a negative outcome in cases that require seriousness , or even zero, and the case of Muhannad and Ahmed calls for interaction in support of humanity.

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