Shendi University conducts blood donation campaign for the armed forces

Shendi University, through the Faculty of Medical Laboratories, implemented a blood donation campaign for the armed forces in cooperation with the Badni Afdic Initiative and the Armed Forces Support Committee.

The campaign started at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences complex and will then move to the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Law complexes in Al-Matma.

The executive director of Shendi locality participated in the blood donation campaign at the University's College of Medical Laboratories.

The Executive Director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, confirmed that the university and its students in this work have made a significant contribution to the battle for dignity that the armed forces are waging. This work confirms the increased feeling of patriotism among people. students, in particular the Student Association of the College of Medical Laboratories, which presented an important initiative, particularly necessary for the wounded and injured from operations.

The executive director of the locality of Shendi called on the rest of the university's faculties to implement various and varied initiatives to support the armed forces.

Director of Shendi University, Professor Hassan Awad Al-Karim, said that this work is part of the university's mission to society, but it is a patriotic and national work that contributes to the participation of students in work in the service of the country.

He pointed out that Shendi University, the local university and the third group form a trio to deal with the effects of the war and its aftermath.

Dean of the Faculty of Medical Laboratories at Shendi University, Dr. Hadiya Abbas Al-Tayeb, expressed joy over this work, which represents the patriotic spirit of students, especially laboratory students. She added that the target of today's campaign is. approximately 60 vials, and that there is coordination with Al-Mek Nimr Hospital to classify and organize the quantities of donated blood from a technical and conservation point of view.

Dr. Hadiya said the campaign will be moved inside the university complexes and from there outside, so that it will be an available asset whenever the need arises.

Head of the Laboratory College Students' Association Yass Sharaf Al-Din said that this work is part of the work of the association and it is a major work related to the future of the country through support for the armed forces.

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