Electronic Press Association.. Statement on militia targeting of communications infrastructure, networks and civilian assets in El Fasher

The Electronic Press Association denounces and condemns the premeditated and deliberate attempt by the Rapid Support rebel militia to withhold information from the residents of the city of El Fasher and cut off their communication with the world by attacking power plants and thereby cutting off communication devices and networks to practice more violence against defenseless citizens and confiscate their right to electricity. Information and interaction with the world are a right guaranteed by international humanitarian law.

The rapid support rebel militia continues, with premeditation and premeditation, the systematic destruction of infrastructure and civilian property in the town of El Fasher by the rapid support militia and in a number of towns in North Darfur State, which is a characteristic of these militias. in this war from its beginning until now.

Consequently, the Association denounces with the greatest firmness the forced displacements, forced displacements and displacements of civilians, in particular of women and children, cutting off communication, targeting information and communication infrastructures and preventing journalists and media professionals to play their role in obtaining, producing and disseminating information and considers the militia's actions to be crimes amounting to war crimes and an attack on humanity.

The Electronic Press Association also notes the increase in serial and deliberate destructive acts by militias against communications infrastructure and civilian institutions that provide communications-related services, such as electricity, deliberately, which is contrary to international human rights norms and conventions and is a situation that creates tragic conditions in various aspects of life and makes life difficult in such circumstances.

This is why the Electronic Press Association calls for the need to protect civilians, to preserve human rights, to take into consideration the lives of citizens, to alleviate their suffering, to make information available to them, to preserve their right to obtain it and to protect journalists and media professionals. However, the data and figures coming from the areas controlled by the militias by force of arms are shocking, regrettable and more painful and incalculable, the crimes and damage have affected everyone, especially journalists and media workers.

As a prominent example of these crimes, a Rapid Support Force arrested Sudanese television cameraman Abdelaziz Mahmoud Arja, after raiding his shop east of Zalingei market on May 4, and took him to its headquarters of command in Central Darfur State, known as (the regiment), and a new number became in the detainee book. The militia that targets journalists and media workers to hide information and obscure the world has something to do with all segments and those concerned with journalism and media.

As another example, the militia assassinated journalist Khaled Bilal at his home in the town of El Fasher, North Darfur, and attributed his assassination to his work as a journalist and his publication of information on the reality neighborhoods affected by human rights violations. Rapid Support Militia.

In one striking example, Al-Farsha Saleh Arbab, representative of Masalit victims, revealed at a press conference the killing of 13 journalists in West Darfur at the hands of the militia. These figures remain indicators of a growing criminal act against journalists and media professionals and constitute a clear transgression and violation of international humanitarian law.

The National Electronic Press Association appeals to the International Committee of the Red Cross, in coordination with the Red Crescent Society; Play their role in ensuring and providing safe exit for journalists and media workers located in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Militia, and communicate with the Rapid Support Militia regarding the journalists and media workers they are detaining in a manner to guarantee their protection against all forms of violations.

Crimes committed by the Rapid Support rebel militia will not be subject to statute of limitations and will be subject to legal and judicial prosecution before all relevant national, regional and international mechanisms until justice is delivered to the victims, their families and to the authorities. the perpetrators are held responsible.

Electronic Press Association

Executive Office

May 25, 2024 AD

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