Denunciation and condemnation are the weapons of the Arab League and the United Nations, not of the Electronic Press Association ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Today, the Electronic Press Association held a press conference at its headquarters in Port Sudan, during which it highlighted the brutal practices that the Rapid Support Militia commits against journalists.

Denunciation, condemnation, denunciation, concern and regret are distinctive features of the Arab League and the UN with its various branches spread across the world.

The newly established Electronic Press Association is led by loyal and patriotic young people who care about Sudan's interests but lack experience in journalism. They are supposed to benefit from those who have experience in the journalistic field, and for the most part. if they wish, I repeat, if they wish.

The enthusiasm and dynamism of young people alone are not enough to create professional media content at this sensitive stage in Sudan's life.

The officials of the Electronic Press Association, despite our respect and appreciation for them, are not willing to listen to the ideas and advice of others, and as soon as you feel that you are better than others, you inevitably head towards the abyss.

We need someone to create military media content that will help the Sudanese Armed Forces in the Battle of Karama.

Lying in the sand, bypassing media experts, not taking advantage of their experience and dismissing them as outdated has not and will not benefit the young people who run the Electronic Press Association.

The arrogant view of an enthusiastic and incomprehensible youth was like a backlash against revolutionaries who believed that they were the real fuel of the revolution while they considered others (an old adage) worthless, and all the world watched and followed the fate of the latter. people.

I don't want to go into the details of how this bond was formed now, although I was surprised by it in front of me (without protection or constitution).

I want a legal fatwa from the Registrar of Links and Associations on the legitimacy and legality of this association. Who chose the president of the association, the young man of high morals and morals, the secret of reprisals??? office of this chosen association ????

What is the relationship of these newspapers and websites with foreign embassies??? Do they receive financial support from these embassies??? Who are the entities that fund and support these newspapers and websites??? the president of the Electronic Press Association, a young and polite person with good morals and ethics, and I hope he will be honest and transparent to answer these questions with open arms.

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