Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Sunday May 26, 2024

🔵 Al-Watan Newspaper:

Yasser Al-Atta: If Al-Burhan had wanted to betray, he would have handed over power to Daglo

Al-Atta: We will return to the island through several routes

Al-Atta: the Taqadum group sold the revolution to buy democracy from Hemedti

Military planes carry out painful strikes against rebellion in Darfur, White Nile and Khartoum

The joint forces of the movements deny the lies of the militias and affirm their firmness in El Fasher

🔵 Al-Sudani electronic newspaper:

Yasser Al-Atta to Al-Hadath: Talking about the betrayal of the country by the army leaders is painful, and the proof is that if he had been a traitor, he would have resigned and paid the price.

Yasser Al-Atta to Al-Hadath: Al-Burhan will soon sign agreements with Russia

Yasser Al-Atta to Al-Hadath: Al-Burhan will cancel the constitutional document and announce a new document

Yasser Al-Atta to Al-Hadath: France seeks to create a homeland for the Arab diaspora in Darfur at the expense of its indigenous population

Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta: Instructions came from Abu Dhabi on the need to overthrow El-Fasher

Sudan and Iran agree to accelerate the completion of the opening of the two countries' embassies

The Governor of Darfur writes: Between the attack on El Fasher and the Addis Ababa conference, the “militia state” was declared!

Sultan of Dar Masalit reveals Darfur separation plan to Al-Sudani

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Sudan supports the efforts of the government of the People's Republic of China to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity against any separatist activity

Electricity gradually restored to East Nile

Various repair works of a number of service facilities with a view to putting them into operation in the old town of Omdurman

Saudi Arabia returns cargo exported in violation of health requirements

🔵 Sudanese press agency “SUNA”:

Sovereignty Council Chairman meets Red Sea Mobilization and Mobilization Committee

Graham travels to Manama to attend Conference of Arab Ministers of Information

Foreign Minister-designate meets with acting Iranian Foreign Minister

Sudan renews its adherence to the one-China principle

Trade Minister emphasizes development of trade with Saudi Arabia

Armed struggle movements refute Dagalo militias' claims regarding negotiations

Ambassador Hassan Abdel Salam presents his credentials to the President of the Philippines

Intelligence foils attempt to smuggle fuel for White Nile militias

Large quantities of explosives seized in Qarin village in Gedaref

. The locality of Abou Hamad organizes an orientation course for local pilgrims

Launch of the major campaign to combat disease vectors in Gedaref

A blood donation campaign at the Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences of Shendi University

Graduation of (398) male and female teachers studying online learning in Kenana

Assistant Specialist Examination in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Was Held for Doctorate Degree in Nile

Qatar Charity supports displaced people in local Al-Qurashi shelters

Khartoum governor discusses humanitarian aid distribution mechanisms

Khartoum Governor works to rehabilitate service sites in Old Omdurman

Arrangements for the departure of the first group of Sudanese pilgrims were completed on Sunday

Minister of Health in charge of Sennar: We are looking to localize the treatment in the state

Rehabilitation and maintenance projects for internal roads in the city of Kassala

Cultivating 650,000 rain-fed acres in Gezira State

Postponement of the opening of schools in Gedaref State

🔵 Northern State

Northern Governor Addresses Workshop to Endorse Popular Resistance Structures in the State

Northern Governor lauds efforts of Air Defense Command in securing state

Air Defense Commander inspects leadership of 19th Infantry Division, Marawi

The workshop for the approval of popular resistance structures in the north concludes its work and issues its recommendations

Graduation of a new class of unifiers in the Dongola locality

Arrangements in Dalgo to launch livestock vaccination campaign

A cultural and fun program for surgically injured people at the Dongola military hospital

The Northern Humanitarian Aid Commission receives five thousand bags of flour

🔵 Blue Nile State:

Badi: Sudan has the most powerful army in Africa

Closing activities to celebrate Africa Day 2024 in Damazin

The launch of the general electricity training course in Al-Sarrajiya, north of Damazin

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