Failure breeds dwarfism… The army and the people are on the lookout..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas


*It is not strange and does not bother any Sudanese citizen that the so-called Hamdok appears from time to time in the form of a dream (human puppet) which has neither help nor will. This clearly shows that this being is (dependent). to produce a failure, but rather a (competitive) failure with a (more serious) failure in the context of a brutal match. Its organizers and leaders are (foreign) parties, who know how to use ((agents)) in various ways and means, the most important of which is perhaps the arrest of those who use it for the (pleasure) of illicit money, and here (the absurdity) of Hamdok proves that he has become an obedient employee in the court of foreign (bribe-payers), thus blinding his sight and insight and deafening his hearing. So, he introduced us to his latest product last week, as part of a combination (a deadly deal) between himself, Al-Helu and Abdul Wahid, carrying the same old (madness and misery) that targets religion , the values, the unity and the structures of its national army of the nation, and the incitement to rivalry between the peoples of the same people..!!*


*Hamdok's (talent) for producing chess did not stop there, so he let us know (with further disappointment) that it had sprouted in Addis Ababa, where he gathered a crowd of his supporters (stunted) scattered in several foreign countries, and said what..?!! They said they wanted to stop the war in Sudan..!! Oh.. (the ordeal has come to you) on the people of Sudan..!!

My brother, how ugly you are (agents). Have you not yet understood that the Sudanese people are now having fun with this (slander) against you, after having (buried) your era and covered it with dust and curses. .?!! And do not think that the matter will end with you after (the burial), for the persecution will extend to the last of what remains of you. You and your ally, the (defeated) Rebellion, are partners in (unforgivable) crimes. will never be (beautified), and your grim faces will not beautify the (miserable) meetings in Addis and other of your rat hideouts… If our conscious people understand that Al-Hilu and Abdel Wahid are looking for a mine or a breast to feed money through Hamdok, then they also understand that the rallies you run to from time to time are nothing more than a race for food crumbs and to support your unemployment and bankrupt pockets with some dollars. you bring what benefits Sudan, that is between you and him after the two Easts. The partner in (the conduct of) war and (its crimes) is not the one who stops it and heals its wounds, so feel free, poor people. !!


*We will leave your miserable group in the swamp of its failure and its madness, with all the unhealthy dreams of its foreign instigators, since their product will leave (in vain) like others. However, the most important thing is that Muslims. the Sudanese people (pay attention) more to this (reproduced) conspiracy against them, in which Hamdok (the cheap) is the leader of the poisoned spear… and the people in all its components will line up and take the reins. the initiative, with all their availability, their material and moral weapons, to cut the way in front of the choir of Satan and confront and defeat them. Perhaps the past is a time of immodesty, buried and avoided, and its secretions of crime. . The war is enough for our people to realize the lesson about (valor), and that is the most important thing..!*


*Our Muslim people must, with all strength and boldness, fight these agents and their employees from the larva and cocoon stage, wherever and whenever they raise their empty heads until no sun does not shine on them except that they are only rats hiding in their holes… Have we not succeeded, O God, so bear witness..!!

*We will write and write…!!!*

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