Locality of Qali: The completion of the integration of most expatriate centers into the community and the evacuation of schools

Issam Abdel-Jabbar: The locality supported the Battle of Karama and sent three convoys in support of the 18th Kosti Division.

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The locality of Qalli, created in 2012 by political decision, includes vast areas of an urban nature on the western strip of the White Nile, such as the towns of “Tawila, Fashashawiya, Qalli, Wad Shamam” and even Al-Shor, and between These big cities have small villages that enjoy the same benefits in terms of electricity and water services, such as the villages of “Umm Ghoneim”, “Abu Muharr, Aburayah and Al-Tabarat”.

Its inhabitants on the Nile ribbon are famous for the crafts of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing, just as the region is famous for the numerous fisheries along the Nile coast. The locality of Qalli supplies the markets of the town of Kosti with abundant quantities of dairy products. produce and their products, fish, vegetables and crops like corn and wheat. The asphalt road, which was completed up to the axis of the town of Qalli, has contributed in recent years to easing traffic. The Kosti markets and the weekly markets, the most famous of which are the Souq and Dishmam.

70% of the locality is located in the southwestern part of it, adjacent to the locality of Tandelti, which are purely rural areas, the most famous of which are “Goz Al-Rif and Sharjah – Al-Ulaika Sheikh Al- Bashir Abu Fariwa and Amba.”

The executive director of the locality is one of the most eminent administrative officers of the state, Mr. Issam Abdel-Jabbar Faragallah. His name is associated with the locality of Qali. He is the founder who ensured the establishment of the locality one by one. He implemented all the local legislation and put the structures in place. He helped revitalize necessary services as the locality's first leader. We met him in the crowd in the town of Kosti, while he was working on tracking. on local issues, he told us about the locality's challenges in supporting the Battle of Karama, and he literally said: “That was our first problem”, so we sat down with the notables and citizens from the locality, gathered support. , and we sent three popular support convoys loaded with all the aid that supports the armed forces, and we delivered them. For the leadership of the 18th Kosti Division, we also have ten camps for the Mustafarin, and they are now participating in the front lines. with our armed forces, we have also established popular resistance and the region now enjoys security and stability.

As for the treatment of expatriates, the executive director of the locality of Qali confirmed that they have made great efforts to empty the expatriate camps and integrate them into society, stressing that they have few camps and that they will work to remedy the situation of resident expatriates. there and reconcile their situation within the communities, and that they will continue to provide them with the support of the capacities that the locality has through its cooperation with the organizations, and Issam said that the locality has supported the arrivals with the help that It has provided them with many parties such as the Red Crescent, the CONT Organization, the Qatar Charity Organization and the King Salman Foundation for relief and humanitarian works. He indicated that the distribution of aid to expatriates continues and that 2,000,000 people have been distributed. 2,000,000 bags of wheat and a generous donation from the King Salman Center and the Qatar Charity Association.

Issam Faragallah said that they are ready to open the schools and that they are currently working on maintenance and other equipment related to the preparation of the school environment, emphasizing that the locality has made a great effort in the provisions related to the agricultural season so that farmers can receive seeds and fuel and prepare for the summer agricultural season.

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