The General Director of Production in Sennar reassures us about the first preparations for the agricultural season in the locality of Abou Hajar, appreciating the efforts of the central government to support the unlimited efforts to increase production and productivity.

As part of the initial preparations for the 2024-2025 AD agricultural season, Director General of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources – Sennar State, Minister in charge of Agriculture, Al-Hadi Al-Sadiq Ali, assured arrangements for the start of the summer agricultural season in the locality of Abu Hajjar. The Director General said that Sennar State is very reliable in increasing production as it has extensive sectors and promising resources in overall production. He added that the war crisis imposed a specific situation so that the State could produce, benefiting from the basic elements. Al-Hadi said seeds represent the spearhead of the production process, which is why the ministry is striving to provide 14,000 tons. through agreements with the Arab Seed Production Company, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other organizations.

As the Ministry of Production unveiled a general plan for this season, it had to avoid the challenges that accompanied the previous season, represented in financing and fuel. The ministry considers fuel to be the primary driver and there is ongoing communication with it. the central government in Port Sudan to provide agricultural fuel as soon as possible, in anticipation of any other possibility.

For his part, the director of the agricultural department of the locality of Abu Hajar, engineer Abdul Qader Muhammad Ahmed, confirmed that preparations began last April with the fight against pests, in particular (antad), at the local level , with the efforts of Plant Protection. Department, indicating that the target area for this season is (650,000) acres of rain-fed agriculture and (4,000) acres and meters of gardens.

Stressing that his administration has provided all facilities in the field of fuel and has provided agricultural advice, in addition to providing seeds from some organizations, notably the FAO, noting that the first stages of agriculture have already started thanks to the use of anklets, calling on farmers to use technical packages to increase production. It is planned to cultivate (363 (1,000) acres of corn, (211,000) acres of sesame, (12,000) acres of rain cotton, (6,050) acres of sunflower, (500) acres of peanuts, (2 000) watermelon seeds and (9,075) acres of millet (525) acres of other crops.

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