Hemorrhoids in a sea of ​​white – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

History has written its pages with their shame…

Draw betrayal, disappointment with a single stroke…

Reveal the traitors so that the deception does not continue…

So that the masked hypocrites do not continue…

We see the dome, and we think they (the jaws) lied and lied

What's under the mask…

Disappointed and dilated pupils. It's a disappointment.

Some of Nazir Habani's sons did it…

They suddenly brought rebellion into their families to get closer


They left one foot and massacred sacrifices…

Celebrate, celebrate and take photos with them…

They collected a bunch of weapons and handed them over voluntarily…

They wore kadamul as a symbol of membership…

They sold the cause of their state cheaply…

Prepare entries, guide exits

For villages and urban…

The result is death, displacement, destruction and fire…

They offered their duties of loyalty and didn't care…

The Al-Bukha Party as if it were in the land of Al-Waq Waq…

He didn't denounce, react, or get emotional…

He is busy empowering his leaders all over the world

The rebellion between…

There's something in his heart of “hati” and he's tired of it

Sibawayh one day…

Silence is necessary to express acceptance…

Acceptance is enough, we count on it in the time of silence…

The Bukha party and some of Nazira's sons…

Every drop of wasted blood must bear the burden…

The time of reckoning is approaching, and it is certain that he has been (born)…

The rebellion was defeated when he thought of entering Douim…

He returned to his hiding places, dragging his tails of disappointment…

He thought the crossing was easy, then he realized the difficulty of the story…

Let Siri repeat the extreme strength of our efforts…

The security committee visited the advanced sites

In Al-Awaj, in the north of the state…

The message is full of rebellion and dishonesty

And its diaspora will not go through that…

Here, death awaits you, both terrible and intimate…

We will not be a loophole through which the country can escape…

It is a safety valve that ensures life…

A military point will not fall into the White Sea…

Stability will prevail, no one will be displaced from their homes…

Rebel rallies in the north of the state were disrupted…

The plots of his political backers have failed…

The Safety Committee has won the support of public opinion…

The Al-Dwaim scene was very expressive…

They called spontaneously. The leaders met their people…

The governor sent an eloquent message by mail

The one who betrayed him…

Who diminished his contribution in the battle…

Those who hope to exclude it by understanding the tribe…

The rebellion brought some of the principal's sons to the state…

They wanted to remove the governor in order to allow the rebellion…

The leaders there know who is advocating madness…

You realize that he manages the safety file competently…

She turns her back on suspicious and malicious rumors…

They committed the same incident against the person of the general

Sami Al-Tayeb…

His dismissal from the leadership of Division (18) is known to us

His sincerity and motivation…

The leaders trust him, so they pushed him and taught him his training…

They betrayed him as they did the rest of the powerful leaders.

The bug is difficult to access…

They carried out a media attack that was the height of triviality…

He is one of the most trusted leaders today…

You will not come to the land of a white sea while he is among us…

In a related context, it is necessary to refer collaborators…

And those who violate emergency court orders…

Fuel traffickers are even more dangerous than you really are…

Citing those accused of collaboration with the rebellion

In cases of smuggling, it is necessary…

Severe sanctions are imposed on them as a deterrent…

Isn't it time to attack civil administrations?

Political leaders cooperate with the rebellion…

Cooperate openly with him during the day and attack them

With an iron fist…

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