International Day of Peacekeepers, a tribute to service and sacrifice on the path to a peaceful world – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

International Peacekeepers' Day falls on May 29 each year, marking the anniversary of the establishment of the first United Nations peacekeeping mission, the United Nations to Oversee the Truce in Palestine in 1948. Since then, more than two million soldiers, police and civilians from more than 120 countries have created stories of heroism under the banner of UN peacekeeping, leaving their mark in more than 70 operations worldwide.

On this day, we pause to pay tribute to the courage and enormous sacrifices of these individuals, who put themselves on the front lines to protect civilians and promote peace in the most volatile regions on Earth.

This year's celebration carries the slogan “Peace begins with me”, highlighting the role of each of us in the journey of building peace. Whatever our position or position, we all have the capacity to make a tangible difference by spreading a culture of peace, tolerance and mutual respect in our societies.

Achievements written in gold

United Nations peacekeeping forces have recorded great achievements over the years and their contributions include monitoring ceasefires and peace agreements, to ensure an end to the cycle of violence, protection of civilians against the dangers of armed conflicts, the preservation of their dignity and their rights, support for elections. process and strengthening democratic practices, in preparation for a promising future, and contributing to the reconstruction of communities affected by conflicts, rekindling hope in the souls of their people, promoting the principles of human rights man and by disseminating their culture, in order to preserve human dignity and freedoms. .

Despite their impressive achievements, peacekeepers face many challenges: dangerous and complex working environments, which pose a direct threat to the lives of their members, a lack of financial and human resources, which hinder their ability to fully carry out their tasks, and attacks on peacekeeping forces, which hamper their efforts, their security is threatened, and it is difficult to ensure accountability, which hinders the achievement of justice and the punishment of the perpetrators .

The responsibility for maintaining peace is not limited to peacekeepers alone, but rather it is a responsibility that falls on all of us, individuals, communities and countries.

We help support peacekeeping efforts by raising awareness of the importance of the work of peacekeepers, disseminating information about their role, achievements and challenges, highlighting their value in peacekeeping and international security organizations and supporting initiatives supporting peacekeeping efforts by participating in events and activities supporting peacekeeping operations and donating to charities that support peacekeeping efforts. It's about helping victims of conflict, putting pressure on our governments to provide more support by communicating with government officials and urging them to increase their financial and human contributions to peacekeeping operations . and disseminate a culture of non-violence and tolerance by promoting the values ​​of dialogue, reconciliation and mutual respect in our societies, and by rejecting violence in all its forms.

On this day, we thank and appreciate the United Nations peacekeepers for their courage and great sacrifices to build a peaceful world. We affirm our commitment to supporting their efforts in their continued journey towards a safer and fairer world for all. Together we can build a peaceful world.

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