Working man.. Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa ✍️ Mawahib Baqadi

From the politics of the enemy, media and psychological warfare, yes we all know it, but people imagine that the enemy works for the army and operational work, but therein lies the problem , and the biggest problem is that we don't know who the real enemy is the militia (Al-Dagalo) which is well known and the army is waiting for it. Our real enemy is the one who hides in the dark, who plots and plans. Instead, they complain and make accusations, and they do it. do not let young and old wander or arrive without taking them as an excuse.

(And those who are with the army)

It's a war, so people shouldn't get caught up in it. Know who your enemy is.

In light of the pressure that White Nile State is going through and because of the war and unprecedented overcrowding, it has become a destination and a destination for our people from Khartoum Madani and its villages and the western part. We do not forget Al. -Qatina and Al-Jabal and before that the southern part. All this and much more. The situation is no secret. White Nile State stood firm, thanks to God Almighty. Infantry Division, White Nile Crocodile 0000

My message to all who have taken up the pen as leadership is to sow doubt on those who have carried all this burden and responsibility during the most difficult time this state has ever faced.

Hence the greeting and manifestation


For this flag that flies in the sky of White Nile State, Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, the governor of the state, and it is adorned with this military uniform, touring the country with the leaders of the 18th division infantry, inspecting the army on the front line. If I saw him, I thought he graduated from a military college. God bless Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa, and you lead this state with all its specters and pillars (ministries and security. committees, 000 mobilized, popular resistance, economy, health, 000, and the list goes on.

Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa


You have written your name in gold on the pages of this state. May God reward you and grant you success in what He loves and wants. Victory comes only from the promise of Almighty God.

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