Governor of the Red Sea State… Implementation of the open emergency law ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Application of the emergency law opened in the locality of Aqiq, in force since 1997 and still in force, without any objective, legal or moral justification.

The Red Sea State Security Committee, headed by the Governor of the Red Sea State, Major General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour Mahmoud, determined the specific food items to be brought to this locality, in accordance with the permits issued by security services. state and with a required letter from the local executive director.

The executive director of Aqiq locality determines the number of kilograms of sugar and fine oil, and thus controls the citizens' food according to his mood and thus contributes to the citizens' suffering.

This grave injustice is inflicted on the citizens of the locality of Aqiq due to the oppression of the Sultan who controls the amount of food and drink, and in terms of ounces, the citizen is powerless, so he accepts this blatant violation of his. most fundamental rights and raise their hands to the Creator of existence.

The truck driver is limited to these quantities of food, and if he exceeds this limit, he will be deterred by the emergency law by confiscating his goods, and the two sanctions may be imposed on him: confiscation of the goods and confiscation of the vehicle transporting the goods. .

Imagine all this taking place in a location about 300 kilometers south of the city of Port Sudan, within sight of the Sultan.

The concerned citizens have filed their complaints with all the governors who have managed to rule the state in a bid to remove the injustice against them, but there is no life for those who are calling for it.

The governor of the Red Sea State and head of the state security committee, General Maash Mustafa Muhammad Nour Mahmoud, has this responsibility. He is the one who makes security and executive decisions to put an end to this injustice. thus, the raw facts must be made available to public opinion and enlighten the citizens concerned.

Security authorities justify that these food products are smuggled across borders by weak-minded people for personal gain. In my opinion, this justification is unconvincing and unreasonable. Is it possible for a citizen to smuggle 10 kilograms of sugar, a jar. of oil, 5 kilos of flour and 10 kilos of lentils is this reasonable?????

The locality of Aqiq is the only one to have paid the bill for the war, destroying all infrastructure and bringing life to a complete halt, prompting citizens to forcibly emigrate to the city of Port Sudan.

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