Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Statement – Zoll Net

the republic of Sudan

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Office of the Official Spokesperson and Media Department

Press release

The Republic of Sudan welcomes the contents of the statement issued yesterday, Tuesday, May 28, 2024, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the sister Arab Republic of Egypt, regarding Egypt's intention to host an all-forces conference Sudanese civil policies at the end of June 2024.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs renews the confidence of the Government and people of Sudan in sisterly Egypt and its leaders, as it is most concerned about the security, peace and stability of Sudan, as it is about security, peace and stability of Egypt. It is also the country best able to help achieve a comprehensive national consensus among the Sudanese to resolve the current crisis. The Egyptian role in this regard is therefore necessary and welcome.

The ministry appreciates the declaration's emphasis on respect for its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, non-interference in its internal affairs and preservation of the state and its institutions, as well as the fact that the The objective of the conference should be to arrive at a purely Sudanese vision, given that the crisis is above all a Sudanese question.

For these efforts to succeed, the following elements must be provided:

1. That there be true representation of the silent majority of the Sudanese people, whose blood has been shed, whose honor has been violated, whose property has been looted and who have been forcibly displaced, and that expresses popular resistance.

2. The basis of participation should be to assert existing legitimacy in the country, maintain national institutions, particularly the armed forces, and refuse to weaken or challenge them.

3. Clarify who are the regional and international partners who will attend the conference and the limits of their role, especially since the conference aims to achieve a purely Sudanese vision.

4. In this context, it should be emphasized that it will not be acceptable to the Sudanese people that the sponsors of the terrorist militia Rapid Support attend the conference, who continue to supply them with deadly weapons to kill innocent people, violate the honor, and destroy the infrastructure of the country, or of neighboring countries that the report of the Security Council experts qualified as a partner in the passage and transit of arms flights from the United Arab Emirates to Chad via the airport of 'Umm Djeres, which was prepared for the entry of these supplies and from there to Darfur.

5. The Sudanese people also never accept the representation of a regional or international organization that has remained silent on its condemnation of the crimes of the terrorist militia and its serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law under its various aspects, even as an organization. observer. The same applies to countries that have become a base for the propaganda and political work of the militia and for laundering the money it obtains from the looting and smuggling of the country's wealth.

6. Sudan specifically insists that the African Union and IGAD will not participate unless preceded by the start of concrete measures aimed at lifting the freeze on Sudan's activities within the continental organization and for IGAD to correct its position which violates the sovereignty of Sudan, so that the Sudanese people can trust it, allowing them to attend a conference like this.

7. In all cases, the role of regional or international parties attending the conference should not go beyond the role of observer and affirm the support of the international community for participants to arrive of their own free will without seeking to impose a diary or an external diary. visions of these parties, as has happened before.

Published on Wednesday May 29, 2024 AD

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