Nile Governor concludes successful visit to Abu Hamad locality, inaugurates and inspects some institutions and chairs regular meeting of state governing council.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of Nile, concluded a successful visit to Abu Hamad locality, during which he was accompanied by members of the state government council.

At the start of the visit, the governor reviewed the advanced training program of the strategic battalion in the locality of Abou Hamad. The governor praised the efforts of the citizens and the population of the locality of Abou Hamad, in particular the young people, to defend the homeland. land and honor. He renewed the state’s resolve to continue the advanced training camps to include all regions and cities in the state, praising the trainers who oversaw the training of these youths.

Then, the Governor and members of the State Government Council inspected the Abou Hamad Hospital and inaugurated the work of the new scanner of the hospital, which was made possible thanks to the popular effort of son of Abou Hamad, as well as supervision and installation. was produced by the Al-Nahda Engineering Company for medical equipment, Dr. Amal Ahmed Majzoub indicated that this device represents a real complement to the medical services of the hospital and the end of the suffering of all the populations of the region and surrounding areas.

Then, Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Governor of Nile, chaired the ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of the State Government at the Abu Hamad Local Hall.

At the start of the meeting, Mr. Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Zubair, Executive Director of Abu Hamad locality, provided further clarification on the performance of the locality and the particular achievements made in terms of water services, health, education and electricity. The report was accompanied by a documentary film highlighting these achievements.

The meeting praised the considerable and appreciated efforts of the locality of Abou Hamad and its serious efforts to improve the reality of services. The locality was also commended for documenting these achievements through the documentary film, calling on all localities to follow the example of Abu Hamad in the importance of. documentation for development and service projects.

Thereafter, Mr. Othman Muhammad Othman, Chief Secretary to the State Government, presented a detailed report on the directives and decisions of the previous meeting.

Then, Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure and Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Autumn Emergencies, presented a detailed report on the ongoing preparations for the fall semester and the results of the first meeting of the Committee supreme for fall emergencies, which was held the previous one. The meeting highlighted the attention to the areas that were affected by last year's fall and addressed all the reasons that led to the accident. Until the damage occurred, engineer Samir Saeed praised local efforts in early preparations and cleaning the pipes.

The meeting heard detailed reports from district executive directors on the status of preparations for the fall season, security aspects and foreign presence.

The meeting heard clarifications from Mr. Governor on the measures taken by the Ministry of Interior regarding the foreign presence, as well as clarifications from Mr. Ahmed Othman, Legal Advisor to the State Government Council, regarding the decisions and directives of the Attorney General regarding unregulated and regulated foreign presence and the establishment of a special prosecution for asylum and unregulated immigration.

God willing, the state will issue a number of directives regarding this matter based on federal directives issued by federal authorities.

During the meeting, the governor ordered Abu Hamad locality to accelerate the treatment and rehabilitation of the Abu Hamad road from Al-Sharik to the borders of Abu Hamad locality. The governor also stressed the need to expedite the completion of the village electricity project. who did not receive electricity, Mr. Governor announced the agreement that had been reached with the National Roads and Bridges Authority regarding the creation of the Delta and road bridges.

Then, the governor and his accompanying delegation opened the civil registry to Abou Hamad. The governor praised the human being and the citizen of the locality of Abou Hamad and his active participation in all the concerns of the nation and the State. the citizen deserves to benefit from all the services in his place.

After that, the governor and the accompanying delegation inspected the Abu Hamad Stadium and reviewed the stadium rehabilitation project and installation of artificial turf and stadium flooring. He underlined his support for the stadium development and rehabilitation project, carried out by the people. efforts.

Then, the governor and the accompanying delegation paid social visits to some symbols and offered condolences.

The leaders, symbols and local notables of Abu Hamad expressed their deep gratitude and thanks to the state government under the leadership of the governor, for the ground approach of the government and the initiatives carried out by the state government in the field of mobilization and mobilization, dignity camps, popular armed resistance and the issuance of strong decisions aimed at fully aligning with and supporting the armed forces, emphasizing their solid and strong position with the armed forces, which is to face this brutal aggression and this great conspiracy.

We note that the local leaders and masses of Abu Hamad honored Mr. Governor, State Government Council, Mr. State Finance Minister and Secretary General of the State Government for the appreciated and important efforts and achievements that took place during this period. the previous period in various fields.

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