Bahr Abyad community unites with heroes of the 18th Infantry Division

(A People's Army)

He congratulated the commander of the 18th Infantry Division

His Excellency/Major General Sami Al-Tayeb Sayed Ahmed

With all the efforts made by the components of civil society in Bahr Abyad

Led by Mr. Governor of White Nile State

Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa

To support the Sudanese armed forces

The 18th Infantry Division witnessed the most beautiful epic images

Heroes of the 18th Infantry Division

Where the loyal soldiers are

Wherever the alarm sounded, he answered the call

So adorn me for glory, your glory is coming

A devastating victory stained with the blood of honorable people

In view of the war the country is going through, this was imposed on us

The Sudanese people have tasted the bitterness of devastation, pillage, plunder, displacement, separation from loved ones and attacks on honor.

But the darkness must dissipate and the smile must return once more to the lips, thanks to God Almighty and the valor of the Sudanese Armed Forces. If this war has one good thing, it is the cohesion of the army with the people. unprecedented cohesion. In White Nile State, since the outbreak of this war, there has been a rush by the people of Bahr Abyad in support of the heroes of the 18th Infantry Division, which has translated into popular support for the forces armies. and initiatives in all their forms, including support for wounded and wounded in operations. It was a remarkable position on a personal and organizational level. We do not forget the popular resistance that was organized in all localities of White Nile State and the mobilization. There were also programs for Ramadan iftars, and the initiatives and images of cohesion continue and here, in evoking all this cohesion and this movement, we must salute the Bahr Abyad community, which gave the most beautiful example of patriotism.

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