The platform economy is driving development and change in Sudan's post-conflict world – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The world is witnessing a massive shift towards a platform economy, in which digital platforms serve as an intermediary between various economic actors, creating a dynamic environment for interaction and exchange of value. This transformation represents a great opportunity for countries emerging from conflict, like Sudan, to rebuild their economies and create new opportunities for growth and prosperity.

The platform economy differs from the traditional linear economic model, as digital platforms connect various stakeholders, such as consumers, sellers and service providers, and facilitate the exchange of goods and services in an efficient manner and low cost. platform economics is about increased efficiency, as platforms reduce barriers to entry and improve allocation efficiency, leading to lower prices and higher quality of services, creating new opportunities , because platforms offer new work and leadership opportunities, especially for young people and entrepreneurs. , and in the area of ​​strengthening financial inclusion, platforms facilitate access to financial services, such as digital payments and loans, especially in remote areas. While supporting innovation, platforms drive innovation by providing an enabling environment for the development of new solutions that meet consumer needs.

Examples of platform economy applications include e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon and eBay, which allow consumers to purchase goods and services from around the world easily and conveniently, and transportation platforms , such as Uber and Careem, allow consumers to order taxis. easily and conveniently, improving transportation efficiency. This reduces traffic jams and accommodation services, such as Airbnb, allow travelers to book distinctive accommodations at reasonable prices, enhancing the growth of the tourism and delivery services sector. , allow consumers to easily and conveniently order food and products from various restaurants and stores.

The platform economy can play an important role in the post-war reconstruction of Sudan by supporting reconstruction projects. The platforms make it easier for entrepreneurs and investors to access resources and labor, helping to accelerate reconstruction projects and creating employment opportunities for young people. new employment opportunities for young people, particularly in the areas of digital technology, logistics services and strengthening financial inclusion, the platforms help to expand access to financial services, which helps improve the standard of living, creating new entrepreneurship opportunities and supporting entrepreneurs. Platforms allow entrepreneurs to access global markets and promote their products and services.

Despite the many benefits of the platform economy, it faces certain challenges in Sudan, such as lack of digital infrastructure, weak laws and regulations governing platform work, and other challenges. Achieving this requires investing in digital infrastructure, improving workforce skills, and developing laws and regulations that regulate the work of platforms in a fair and transparent manner, with cooperation between government, private sector and civil society, Sudan can benefit from the platform economy to achieve sustainable development and create a better future for Sudan. all its citizens.

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