The British ambassador…? – Behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*News: Progressive conference sows confusion within the British Foreign Office*

*Since 2019 AD, our country has been a theater open to all foreign interference*

*The Quartet's project has not changed despite the resignation of the American ambassador and the expulsion of Volcker*

*The fate of Sudan remained in the hands of the Tripartite and the Quartet. They supervised and financed the framework workshops, attended their meetings and drafted the Constitution of Sudan.*

*Intelligence work shifted from soft power to hard power, after the UAE took responsibility for the war, managing it, financing it and supplying weapons to the militia,*

*Britain blocked Sudan's complaint against UAE from being heard at Security Council*

*Britain is responsible for the murder of Sudanese and bears the burden of continuing the war, as well as its complicity in all violations and crimes of the militia,*

Shocking news published by Mr. Muzammil Abu Al-Qasim, who states: “The British Foreign Office has given its Ambassador to Sudan, Giles Lever, the choice between resignation or dismissal, due to his significant financial support to the Taqadum Conference as He was also accused of misleading the British Foreign Office with reports lacking accuracy and professionalism on what was happening in Sudan), as sources reported well informed to the newspaper Al-Youm Al-Tali. , that the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (the British Foreign Office) conducted an internal assessment of the British position regarding the situation in Sudan, and the sources confirmed that the assessment concluded by the need to change the British Ambassador to Sudan, Giles Lever, who was appointed in October 2021. Ambassador Giles Lever has been heavily criticized for his political bias towards certain parties in Sudan. In the evaluation, reference was made to the significant financial support given to the last progress conference held in the Ethiopian capital. Addis Ababa, through an intermediary organization, without following the usual transparency procedures or opening a tender, the provision of support to the Taqaddam coalition was criticized, given that the funding came from of the development budget allocated to Sudan and was allocated to an intermediary body. specific political party that does not represent all Sudanese. During the assessment, it was also noted that Ambassador Lever's reports helped to mislead the British position, which began to appear lenient in the face of the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sudan. which could lead to the British government assuming internal legal responsibility in accordance with British laws, which stipulate the universal jurisdiction of its courts with regard to such crimes, the report indicates that British positions regarding Sudan in the recent period have been strongly influenced by the American position. represented by John Godfrey before his dismissal. The sources said Ambassador Lever would be given a choice between accepting administrative responsibility, resignation or dismissal. The sources also indicated that this approach is accompanied by the announcement of imminent parliamentary elections in Britain and their increasing possibility. that the Conservatives lose and Labor wins the election, leading to a major change in British foreign policy. According to the sources, employees of the British Foreign Office, led by the Permanent Under-Secretary of State (Sir Philip Robert Barton), sought to achieve a positive outcome. protect themselves from responsibility for the failure of their policy towards Sudan and the sacrifice of Ambassador Giles,

British Ambassador Giles' actions surprise no one, and are actions that British ambassadors to Sudan have become accustomed to. Ambassador Irfan Siddiq was the most intrusive in the internal affairs of our country, and since 2019 AD our country has been a country. a theater open to foreign interference, and Khartoum was filled with international intelligence agents from every country in the world. As a result, the number of agents, including politicians and influential figures, increased, and no one forgets the roaming of foreign ambassadors throughout the war. the entire country without accountability or supervision, until the fate of Sudan was in the hands of the tripartite and the quartet, supervising and financing the framework workshops, attending its meetings and formulating the Constitution of Sudan,

They were aware of the intentions and preparations of the Rapid Support Militia and their plans to seize power (see Volcker's statements… who fired the first bullet), and a conference was held to prove that the Quartet project had not changed despite After the resignation of the American ambassador and the expulsion of Volcker, direct intelligence work shifted from relying on soft power to hard power, so that the United Arab Emirates assumed responsibility for the war, its management, its financing, and the provisioning of the militia. weapons.

What is surprising are the British Foreign Office's claims of innocence and criticism of Ambassador Giles for his performance. He is the one who determines British policy towards Sudan, and he is the one who ordered his representative on the Security Council to obstruct. Sudan's complaint against the Emirates. Britain is responsible and bears the burden for the murder of the Sudanese and the destruction of Sudan. The continuation of the war and its participation in all violations and crimes of the militias.

June 1, 2024 AD

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