To those who are absent from the truth of the fight for dignity – it is not a secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

The battle for dignity that the armed forces are waging against the terrorist militias of Al-Dagalo There is a truth that is hidden from some of us, and some names may be known to us and to the gentlemen readers. are considered to belong to the enlightened class.

But after following their statements across media outlets, including Al-Mari, audio and print, it became clear to me and others that they were tweeting outside the herd, and that one speaks here of the reality of the battle. of dignity that the Armed Forces, the Armed Popular Resistance and other regular forces are fighting, and even the struggle movements. These forces have united towards a single goal, which is to eliminate these rebels who are invading Sudan and its free and proud people.

I tell those who ignore the truth of this battle, which is the battle for dignity, for the dignity of the Sudanese people in all regions of Sudan in the east, west, north and center. These invaders are the tools of evil countries. which are known to everyone. It started with the United Arab Emirates, the main supporters of the ongoing war, as well as the hidden roles played by America, France, Britain and the Western countries of Africa, Chad, Niger, Central Africa, Mali. and mercenaries from certain countries.

After all this we listen to the analysts' statements and they describe this war between two generals and describe it as an absurd war between two generals for power and many comments that have no basis in truth. I tell them, gentlemen, that this war is. a war of existence so that the Sudanese people are the first to be…

Gentlemen who are absent, who claim to know the facts, this war is targeting Sudanese citizens in all regions and states of Sudan, in all directions, east, west, north and central.

Towards a demographic change, and the proof is all the crimes committed by the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia, the killing of civilians without discrimination based on ethnicity or otherwise, targeting the Sudanese person.

Many people have gone through the process of displacing citizens from their homes and turning them into displaced persons, and after all these blatant violations, they call it a senseless war between two generals.

Gentlemen analysts of the evacuation through the media, call things by their names, this war which is currently taking place is a war of existence for the Sudanese citizen, and we must resist the invaders who attack the sanctity of the Sudanese people , by raping him, by killing him. , plunder and plunder all this, and you describe this as an absurd war…

Gentlemen, Sudan is now facing a big project involving a number of countries which are evil countries. The militias were allowed to serve as instruments of this plan, and they found what they were looking for in Al Dagalo's terrorist militias.

Unfortunately, many of our people's politicians participated in the destruction of Sudan by supporting these thugs, out of stupidity.

Some of them believe that they are right for the power they desire or for a handful of dollars intended for their own personal interests.

A large number of Sudanese have become aware of the scale of the project and its dimension.

All the Sudanese people joined and transformed into popular armed resistance against these mercenary invaders.

To face this danger which targets them without exception

*Lesson over…*


What is the link with the destruction of the Documentation House?

What is the relationship with the National Museum?

What is the relationship between the destruction of infrastructure?

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What does rape of the silks have to do with it?

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What does the theft of citizens' cars have to do with it?

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All this and you describe it as a senseless war.

The Sudanese people carried out the plan

He will resist until the last breath

The Sudanese people are not like other peoples to whom the hand of ruin and destruction has been extended…

May you stay safe……

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