The sleep of the Sudanese people has put them on the brink of total collapse – Whispered letters – ✍️ Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

This raging war in Sudan, which has entered its second year, has been against its existence and against humanity. It put the country on the brink of complete collapse, and its repercussions imposed exceptional economic conditions. losses that are difficult to quantify, because the war has destroyed the entire structure of our country, resulting in a deep humanitarian crisis that has enormous impacts on all sectors of the Sudanese economy, causing a reduction in government revenues. Condition over 90%. , and the deterioration continues. It is certain that the toll of the war could be much heavier than all the speculations and the material cost. The truth will only become clear when the war is over.

There is no doubt that the economic factors that our country is currently going through have a direct impact on all political outcomes related to all state policies, and for this reason we see that the inability of the state to provide resources during the war period has placed it in a position of extreme inability to fill many of the necessary gaps, coupled with the absence of a rational political process at the national level and the absence of rational people on the scene, which widens these gaps, increases their We see that secondary conflicts will lead the country to ruin. Likewise, attention must be paid to the state of international strangulation led by the United States of America and the countries of the European Union. adopted by the forces of (drought) and (progress), and this is what will put the country in a political and diplomatic crisis and pay the bill for this rivalry with the bereaved Sudanese people, and what the second man in In the country, Mr. Malek Agar confirms the depth of this crisis and the nature of the rhetoric used by the United States of America with regard to the Sudanese crisis. Likewise, we note that denouncing this arrogant behavior of the vice-president of the Sovereignty Council is a violation. required at that time and stage, but his spontaneous political speech was poor. By diplomatic standard, he failed in his famous phrase (neither grandmother nor grandfather).

It is certain that all the members of this people hope today before tomorrow that the war ends, but not according to any (formula), and for this reason, all the political elites who live in a state of disorientation, fragmentation and disparity must know that the Sudanese people after the war are completely different from what they were before the war, and it does not accept and will never accept the presence of militias who have violated all taboos and crossed all the red lines, in no paragraph of the political solution, and it will not adopt any agreement that would bring the destroyers of the Sudanese state and recycle them again in the political process, and if this agreement was signed in any which country in the world, it would just be ink on paper and people would not accept Those who sit on the velvet terraces of the elites and talk about Sudan and its youth with this old information need to revise their stories and correct their information, especially those who left Sudan when the war broke out, without knowing that the war has changed. the Sudanese people. Therefore, those who live with their old ideas must change their last mental image of the Sudanese people, because the attitudes and norms have changed from what they were, and the consciousness of the people has differed by 180 degrees from the previous. , and for this reason, everyone should know: the Sudanese citizen before the war is not the old one after the war, and I say to all those who delegated alone to represent the Sudanese in all previous and later platforms, do what. you want to do and include with you everyone you wanted to involve, because the Sudanese people have woken up from their sleep and will no longer be bright after this hard lesson. He will not allow himself to be a rat again for your failed experiments. , and they will not let anything pass other than what they want, and everyone must know that the return of the militia or anyone who helped or accompanied them to the scene is again a red line and a seventh impossibility, and this will only be achieved on the corpses of the entire people.

The defeat of the enemy is not achieved only by guns and armies, but it is necessary that the people, with their different components, participate in the progress of the economy and the increase in production. This will only be done with the participation of everyone, especially our country. is under the fire of intense regional and international rivalries, and this is what experience has proven to all. The process, especially today, has become an important factor in the geopolitical competition to achieve certain geopolitical goals. achieve lasting stability in our country under the current circumstances, unless all proposed solutions are combined with great political consciousness, deep national feeling and unique human taste. And with honesty and transparency, we must also end all cases of serious national fragmentation. that our country is going through, especially since it is not possible to launch a political process or achieve its sustainability without the involvement of foreign countries on our side and neutral parties to end this war, because our Sudanese elites are never able to agree, and this is what causes the crisis in our country.

And God is the helper

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