Do we need a miracle to overcome the pitfalls of protracted war?! #The_Autre_Dimension ✍️ Musaab Brier

» It seems that the Sudanese war criminals are now living in real difficulties after the plans to take control of the Nile lands became the worst nightmare of their lives. The plan to prolong the war is extremely painful for them financially. morally (if they have morals), humanly and militarily, time and time again. We, the victims, live despite the difficulties. The shifting balance of power and the entry of major players onto the battlefield have eclipsed the ambitions of traitors, whom God fights. them and those who support them.

“But how can the bereaved citizen, the injured displaced person, the displaced employee and poor Muhammad Ahmad coexist with these prolonged abuses, in light of their lack of dignity, their weakness and the humiliation with which some ignorant leaders of certain States are adventurous? every day by legislating systematic displacement decisions, even for those who have found relative stability, as we saw in the decision of the Secretary General of the White Nile State Government.

“The bereaved state of Khartoum has received the brunt of the pressure despite the undeniable efforts of its determined governor, Mr. Ahmed Othman Hamza, but some within his finance ministry have refused to do anything but indulge to the hobby of cutting off access to electricity. rights that have affected the last month's salary in some organizations under the pretext that the amounts received are incomplete, the question therefore remains has the Khartoum Finance Army not been able to grant equal reductions to all those who were entitled to it?! Mr. Governor, we hope that your valuable efforts are thwarted by the efforts of an employee who is lazy or intends to target specific groups by reducing their rights without even informing them. Whatever the justifications, they remain unacceptable as long as the entitlements of all localities and most institutions have been fully paid. Are your employees hoping to restore what was stripped of their rights?! Indeed, do your employees hope for a subsidy for the two Eids and a salary for the blessed Eid Al-Adha to lighten the burden of life that weighs on their shoulders and relieve their children of the suffering of bitter poverty?

“And this is how the new bosses appear, imposing absorption decisions for emergency tasks, and even the employees of the geographical localities, when they volunteered to occupy the same jobs in safe localities, were excluded without justification. Are there new absorption policies for these jobs? only allow those with professional privilege and close ones, or what is there?! How is a professional cadre from a parallel professional stream recruited to head specialized and well-established professional departments, while the specialists are present in the field and freely offer their lives in sacrifice for the homeland, profession and duty ? decision-making corridors of the Ministry of Health in Khartoum State?! What I heard yesterday in one of the professional forums cannot be ignored.

“Despite this thick fog, there is still hope for solidarity and compassion. A big shout out to public health and environmental health officials who are advocating for the forum today “A mechanism to reduce the effects of prolonged war on those seeking security.” from public health and environmental health people. » This is a respectable professional and humanitarian approach that deserves the support of the state, state governors and local leaders, and it is of course a respectable model for a professional movement among the people. the profession that can be reproduced to also solve the problems of the rest of the other professions. We salute and honor them, and extend our sincere prayers for success and progress.

After the last one:

In summary, the prolongation of the war imposed on our country requires mobilizing the wealth of knowledge and mobilizing unconventional initiatives and collective thinking outside the box to adopt a flexible and effective methodology to mitigate the humanitarian, economic and psychological effects resulting from the prolongation of the war. Finally, despite what is happening, we must continue with all our strength and courage to look to the future. Our options are available, and we call upon our unused energies to overcome this current challenge, seeking help from God's power, strength, and success. ..Victory only comes from God..

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, do not impose on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear you for us and do not have pity on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Wednesday (June 5, 2024 AD)

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