Bed Scratching, written by Dr. Qamar Al-Anbiya Amara

Scratch the mattress

Written by Dr. Qamar Al-Anbiya Amara


who am I?

Turks, have you ever asked yourself this question?

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and wondered?

Do your features seem strange to you, as if you were seeing them for the first time?

While you were standing, did you think about what is behind this body that surrounds and covers you?

Do you know the source of the voice that is secretly speaking to you now?

Where is he from ? What is its source? Is it so close that you can hear it clearly, or so far away that you don't know where it's coming from?

Did you feel yourself touching yourself?

Have you wandered inside?

The most important question: Are you now talking to yourself, your mind, or both?

I think you – dear reader – noticed that we did not include the spirit with us in these dialogues, but perhaps we will return to it next time, especially since our people have a firm conviction that the heart sees, hears and speaks.

There are those who classify the soul and the spirit as one thing. There are those who say that the soul is one thing and the spirit another thing, but what is known is that the relationship between them is close. Thoughts processed by the mind affect the soul and vice versa.

Here I remember the story of a patient who was almost sixty years old. She came complaining of hallucinations and during her speech she revealed that there were eleven prophets in her womb (and when I asked her how they stay in her womb? How do they live? She said: They live normally, they eat, drink and sleep). When she recovers – God willing – she will no longer repeat what she said. Of course, nothing hides here the deep interpenetration between the soul and its desires and dreams, and the spirit, its qualities and its turbidity.

In psychology, the psyche can be defined as the aspect that includes emotions, thoughts, desires, beliefs and perceptions of oneself and others.

This is why we find many people writing or speaking about the soul, and discussions and controversies, as well as research into the essence of the soul, still continue. According to Freud, for example, who was the founder of psychoanalysis, it is divided into three sections: (the id, the ego and the superego). He also presented his theories on the subconscious and instincts, as well as the effect of childhood on the psyche. But do you think he was capable of encompassing this soul in all its complexity, space and extent?

There are also scientists who have conducted experiments and studies on the self and tried to understand it and deduce its motivations, tendencies and desires, such as Pavlov, Watson, Piaget, Maslow and many others.

In the Quran, the word “soul” has several meanings. Formerly, it meant the essence of God: “He has decreed mercy upon himself.”

And once it came to the sense of the soul: “O reassured soul, return to your Lord, satisfied and pleasant. »

The soul in the Quran presents itself as a creature that has its own entity, characteristics and characteristics. The soul dies: “Every soul will taste death,” and the soul may be wronged by its owner or by others: “They said, 'Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves.' »

And the soul can command you to do evil: “And I do not absolve myself, for the soul commands you to do evil. »⋆

It is therefore an attempt to discover, reform, purify, develop and care for our soul and spirit. Just as the body is nourished by exercise, we must also take care of ourselves:

“It’s the soul he can’t bear.”

And for eternity there will be days of injustice and injustice.

It is an invitation to friendship with oneself; We take care of it like we take care of our body. We are not ashamed to ask for help or help if something bad happens to him or if certain life difficulties happen to him:

“Accept the soul and complete its virtues

You are a human being at heart, not in body.

Let us therefore put our souls on the path of all that is good and seek with it the horizons of all that is beautiful. We help him if he's tired, and wipe him down if he's exhausted. We feel the beauty in it no matter what, we give it hope and security, light, shine and faith so that life can flourish within us.


(⋆) Quranic psychology, by Dr. Adnan Al-Sharif, p.

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