Swampy negotiation – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayed

The military victories won these days by the armed forces, the security forces, the general intelligence, the police forces, the private labor forces, the popular resistance and the pensions of the regular forces, under their different names. , against the rebel forces of the Rapid Support Militia and their mercenaries in various regions and axes, reflect the extent of the fear and annoyance of the leaders of this rebel militia, the countries that support it and their supporters who want blame. return to power at the expense of the citizens' heads. These victories achieved have pushed the circles and countries that support the rebellion to seriously think about alternative plans to save this militia from extinction and to try to find a home that gives it access to the trick of trapped negotiation, which They called for the return under pressure from the UN Security Council and the countries which support them after the appearance of signs of defeat and withdrawal of these militias and their mercenaries on the battlefields and in different axes and fronts.

The timing of stopping fighting and resuming negotiations these days is a matter of surprise and doubt, especially since this initiative comes as the armed forces advance in the various theaters of operations. The falsity of this initiative has been exposed. which aims to stop these victories and give the rebel forces the opportunity to catch their breath, reassemble their ranks and bring back the weapons, equipment and mercenaries that I lost in combat.

Certainly, this malicious intelligence plan does not ignore the intelligence of the leadership of the armed forces, military intelligence, the security apparatus, general intelligence, the leaders of the popular resistance and other regular forces, which are fully conscious.

We hope from the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces

Do not listen to these calls now, as the armed forces advance on the ground and continue to fight mightily to defeat and resolve this rebellion once and for all and do not give it a chance to catch its breath.

These explosive negotiations, which the countries which support the militias are trying to carry out, serve above all the agenda of the rebellion and not that of the homeland or the armed forces, as they claim, through this negotiation they shamelessly want to gain a foothold in the next government formation. and forget their dirty actions against the homeland and the citizen, which are incompatible with religion, morality, values ​​​​and international charters and human rights, which they could not achieve by arms and on the ground, they want it through negotiation.

The solution at this point lies in the defeat and military resolve of this militia, not in negotiation or stopping the fighting to give it another opportunity to return to the arena. What has been taken by force can only be taken back by force. The people of Sudan now stand in a trench with the armed forces to resolve this rebellion and follow these victories while cheering and growing.

Citizens are now impatiently awaiting the news of victory, which has exceeded the limits of patience until they return home after a full year of displacement, asylum and humiliation they experienced at cause of this damn war.

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