Al-Bashir's slandered approach!!! ✍️Dr Omar Kabo


++ The book (Nibras) in Arabic language intended for the seventh grade of basic education in the era of salvation contained a number of reading topics and literary texts that help the student to make comparisons and balances and stimulates creativity, development and refinement. his linguistic talent on the one hand, and on the other hand, it helps to provide him with a certain number of… The basic values ​​and principles to shape a generation that believes in its Lord, loves its country, is jealous of its land, proud of its heritage and authenticity, makes no compromises, but rather resists humiliation, submission, humiliation and tyranny…

++ This course included a poem of great honor by the poet (king) Al-Mu'tamid bin Abbad, a classic poem that tells the story of the power of a lion, in which he expresses his firmness, his composure and his refusal to surrender and submit to his enemies:

They said submission is policy

Let them show your submission

And more delicious than the taste of submission

On my mouth there is an infusion of poison

++ I took inspiration (from the history of the Sudanese press) which confirms that the Sudanese press was published before independence, expressing the hopes of freedom and independence of the Sudanese nation…

++ He included among the commandments the commandment of a father to his son: ((Be careful with your people, they love you, and be humble before them. They will exalt you, and stretch out their hand to them so that they obey, and monopolize nothing over them so that they can dominate you… And authorize your goods, protect your harem, strengthen your neighbor, help those who seek your help, honor your guest, and hasten the revival in the cry) ) 000

++ The Palestinian poet embodied his desire to return to his homeland before the blatant Zionist attack on it, but he declares his revolution against oppression, abuse and submission, a revolution until victory:

The pigeons came into my house and cooed…

In the olive forest, in prosperity and shadow


Killing pigeons and cutting olives is a traitor


I will take revenge on the flame of hatred


I will build the great unity in which there is every victory

I believe in my faith, I trust in its dawn

My dawn

++ In this document “I Will Rise” by the great poet Samih Al-Qasim rejects all methods of colonialism, oppression and tyranny, declaring with firmness, strength and determination to light the fuse of “popular resistance” in the hope of the dawn of liberation and salvation:

Maybe you'll steal the last inch of my land

Maybe prison nourishes my youth

Maybe you're stealing my grandfather's inheritance

Furniture, utensils and khawabi

Maybe you will burn my poems and my books

Maybe give my meat to the dogs

++ It's as if I'm that great poet describing the atrocities of the Janjawid militias in the beloved Jazira and the spacious El Fasher:

Our village can remain a terrifying nightmare

O enemy of the sun, but…….I will not compromise

And until the last pulse in my veins, I will rise

++ And on the horizon there is a sail

He braves the wind and the salt and overcomes the dangers

It is the return of Odysseus from the sea of ​​doom

The return of the sun and my immigrant humanity

And to his eyes and his eyes I will make no compromise

And until the last pulse in my veins, I will rise

++ Dear reader, these are some of the topics that I have chosen for you from the seventh grade curriculum during the time of Al-Bashir's government, so that you realize what a dastardly plot was aimed at to dismiss him, so that when he finished, the first thing he did was ((execute this program)) with what precious material it contained whose origin is established and its branch in the sky : a pure patriotic call and a total commitment to the direction of the Cor'. Angolan and Sudanese traditions and customs, in support of the colonizer, and radical popular resistance against the greedy invaders…

++ Re-read this article calmly, you will see that it clearly reflects what this criminal and rebel militia has done to the great people of Sudan, forgetting that they are a powerful and stubborn people against rebellion, exploitation and defeat…

++ May God curse the drought ((May God honor the listeners)) It was she who told Hemeti perished that his invasion of Khartoum was easier than ((doing a salute)) or Kamal the other perished… .

Omar Capo

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