Some of the sons of Al-Nazir Habani and the crime of Wad Al-Noura – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

Dark shadows cast on the world

Silent as if nothing had happened…

This war is not fought only by rebellion

There are many behind the veil…

The army fights the arrival of mercenaries from the diaspora

On all sides…

The army pushes the killing machine through Chad

And the world sees…

He fights traitors, like some of the director's sons

Habani identifies with the rebellion…

Anyone who thinks we fight the rebellion alone is wrong

What is happening indicates a carefully crafted conspiracy…

She hasn't revealed her secrets, now is not the time to reveal them…

What happened previously in the village of Wad Al Noura is an example…

This brings together the idea of ​​the rebellion, its objectives and its atrocities…

The idea of ​​completely killing citizens…

He fights citizens and steals their money

Some of them are moved, their movement line is supported…

The army does not fight (Sanaqa), but flees…

The battle is for the defenseless citizen…

Talking about ears of corn is an illusion without support…

Did those who were killed by Kaizan speak of them by name?

Talking about democracy is a lie. Is it implemented?

By extermination…

These people don't understand the 1956 State Address

Idiots unconsciously ignore it…

A malicious name from the story he drew

Some express fragmentation…

A justification that is based neither on logic nor on reason…

Death hovers in the villages of Al-Jazeera and Khartoum

Sennar, Darfur and the White Nile…

Scenes where his forehead paints a nasty reality…

Horrible crimes prohibited by conventions…

The world has witnessed fires, destruction and murder…

He looked at the crimes of rebellion and looked away…

He doesn't say a word, it doesn't concern him at all…

He compares the victim to the executioner and sticks out his tongue…

He equates the army (the institution) with the wings…

A world whose interests come before values…

And the ancestors and the scattered body parts of the dead…

Above ideals, principles, morals and religion…

He is not terrified of what causes fear, pain and depression…

He is not moved by destruction, fear and madness…

What happened in the country tells us that this world is a forest…

Only those who defend themselves vigorously can…

Your loved one can let you down in the most difficult circumstances…

When the engagement shows them and their eyes turn red…

He fought hard to keep this country united…

Without division, nor aggravation, nor pain…

To preserve its people with its diverse ethnic groups, with its characteristics…

Within its recognized limits not to be divided…

Fight against blatant lies and petty rebellion…

What happened at Wad Al Noura is supported by part of the population

Nazir Habani…

They cooperated with the rebellion and urged it to…

To do what we saw, Bud Al-Noura…

They killed them in cold blood even though they were accomplices…

How can they blink? I doubt they are human…

The funeral took place en masse and alone, with tears

Overwhelm due to loss of pain…

The settlement of accounts is approaching, its price will only cost your souls…

The aim and purpose of which the data does not change…

Against racism and selling at the slave market…

Against rebellion, may it be destroyed forever and

He supports him, cooperates and points fingers…

Cut off their hands, so that you will not have compassion on them

The calm of the Janjaweed…

This country has no place for a hateful traitor…

The alliance between us and the martyrs is revenge

Until the last Janjaweed are destroyed…

The Wad Noura massacre is a wound that will never heal

It will be paid by those who participated, helped and contributed…

Nasr of God and upcoming opening…


What happened yesterday in the tortuous zone, its message is a sea

White, resistant to traitors…

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