Wad El Noura massacre: A wound that refuses to be forgotten and a human cry that shakes consciences – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

A bloody sun and a peaceful, safe citizen groaning under the weight of death. In the magic of a sad day, the sun of Wad Al Noura rose sad and bloody, carrying within it a horrible human tragedy, a hideous massacre that shook the country. and left deep scars in the hearts of his people. One dark night, the disbanded Rapid Support armed militias stormed the village, leaving behind a hundred or more martyrs, and an irreparable wound in the hearts of the living. What happened in Wad al-Noura cannot be described in words. What happened is not just an ordinary crime, but rather a hideous massacre that defies humanity and violates all values ​​and principles. Hundreds of innocent people, including elderly people, women and children, were victims of this massacre, who had committed no sin except that of living in a quiet and safe village.

The island has paid a heavy price in this endless war. Since its emergence, many villages and towns on the island have been subjected to brutal attacks by rapid support armed militias, leaving thousands dead and injured.

Responsibility for what happened at Wad al-Noura does not lie solely with the rapid support militias, but rather with everyone, from senior officials who passively observe what is happening, to every member of the society that is content to denounce and denounce. Without taking any concrete measures, or even Where is the civil government established by Rapid Support on the island? We cannot continue to ignore these crimes, nor to use the negligence of the highest authority as an excuse?

It's time to move. It is time to put an end to these brutal practices. We cannot remain silent about what is happening in Wad Al Noura and other villages and towns in Sudan. We want leaders to take responsibility and put an end to these crimes. We want to see concrete actions on the ground, not just empty promises.

What happened in Wad Al Noura is a human cry in the face of injustice and oppression, a cry of the inhabitants of a village which has lost its inhabitants, a cry of a citizen groaning under the weight of betrayal and oppression, a cry of humanity that refuses to be insulted and trampled.

Today we find ourselves faced with two choices that have no third: either a dignified life that pleases the inhabitants of the island, or a death that angers the enemy.

We will not forget what happened at Wad Noura. We will continue to demand justice until it is achieved. We call on the international community to intervene to put an end to these massacres. We call on everyone to stand with us in the face of injustice and oppression, and together we will overcome!

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