The Abuna Adam charity offers its condolences, condemns and denounces the massacre of Wad Noura and calls on the international community to act and condemn the rebel militias

In the name of God the Merciful

Continuing its violations and its barbaric and inhumane behavior, the rapid support terrorist militia committed a new massacre in the village of Wad Al-Noura, administrative unit of Al-Azazi, in the locality of Al-Manaqil, State of Al-Jazeera, during which dozens of citizens were killed.

Following the fall of these civilian victims in this massacre, the Abuna Adam Malat organization is closely monitoring this situation and is active in what it can provide through its humanitarian and diplomatic action. She held an emergency meeting of her executive office headed by Dr. Osama Al-Fateh Al-Maamari, head of the organization, regarding developments from the massacre area.

Consequently, the organization condemns in the strongest terms and considers the massacre of Wad Noura as another facet of the crimes committed by the militias against the Sudanese people, destined to be replaced by another project which represents a threat to the region in general.

Therefore, the Abu Adam Organization calls on national, international and regional human rights organizations to condemn the militia and classify it as a terrorist organization, to work to condemn it on all platforms, to denounce its practices inhumane acts in legal and judicial institutions at the international level and to bring militia leaders to justice.

Through this, the Abuna Adam organization also addresses national and international public opinion and people of human conscience and affirms that the militia constitutes a danger for all humanity and calls for all necessary efforts to be taken to put an end to this terrorist militia.

The organization also calls on all the Sudanese people, their voluntary institutions and the pioneers of humanitarian work to console our people in the village of Wad Noura and implement all possible means to denounce this malicious conspiracy. the Wad Noura massacre will not be the last. He thus calls for greater national unity around our armed forces in this fight for dignity, where salvation lies.

The Abuna Adam organization and its members also send their sincere condolences to the residents of Wad Al-Noura village and the Sudanese masses in this great calamity, which will only increase their pride and strength. demonstrated, despite the tragedy, that the militia project is on the verge of disappearing and that its defeat is inevitable and accompanied by joy and souls.

Glory and eternity to the martyrs… and pride and dignity to the Sudanese people and their armed forces…

Dr. Osama Al-Fateh Al-Omari

President of the Abuna Adam Charity.

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