If I was not soldier 000, I would like to be soldier 0 It is the khaki, the glory of the country and its pride, a love in the hearts immortalized with an eternal love – Crocodiles of the White Nile – ✍️ Mawahib Bakadi

In the eyes of God, it is guarded by a white sea, with the determination of men and the bravery of heroes, vigilance, prudence, precision and a declaration of action.

Some have always wondered about the secret of this unbeatable force and this invincible army. What we saw in this war in terms of struggle and fighting of the Sudanese Armed Forces was the answer to all questions.

These are the Sudanese armed forces. Perhaps some people were not aware of their role and importance in the past because they had never witnessed urban warfare before. The role of the armed forces was to defend the homeland against the intruding aggressor. on borders and borders. Many people missed the truth about the Sudanese soldier, but today there is nothing dearer and more attractive to the eye than looking at a soldier dressed in khaki carrying a weapon in the heart of a pure white.

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