Promised Land and demographic change – In truth – ✍️ Yasser Zein El Abidine Lawyer

History tells lessons and lessons, let us be inspired

Many of them…

Leaders who put him on the stairs and turn a blind eye

The party loses…

1980s Forlina Front

In Chad, I arrived in N'Djamena…

She fought, defeated the central government, she thought

This will change the structure of society…

I committed murder, robbery, robbery and robbery…

Lots of shameful atrocities were committed during this time…

Arab diaspora supported and created by Gaddafi…

The plans failed miserably…

This is the (coastal arc of crises)…

The plot was hatched by him against our country with malice…

Annexation of Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger…

This area is considered a serious security threat…

Drug and human trafficking are widespread

Weapons, illegal transactions…

Its environment is fertile for everything that is against the law…

Greeds, frivolities and stratagems multiply…

This casts a shadow over our country in a critical situation…

This has become the ambition of an alternative location project…

And I made my hematite into an icon of the dream of the Promised Land…

An idea that haunts dreams, ideas and wishes…

Seize central authority, to achieve

A plan made at night…

By leading a process of quiet demographic change…

Their young men flocked to our country to fight…

Our country has the promised land, so

Their war is sacred…

The saying of rapid support is a project of existence of a nation

What we mean by “Arabs of the diaspora” is nothing other than…

Khartoum did not fall and the battles were fought…

El Fasher is the objective of the rebellion to seize it…

He led Arabs in the diaspora to support…

Minnawi's warning is a dangerous message…

It still represents firmness, but its fall is dangerous…

Then the goal is to bring down Babanusa, the white

Southern Kordofan may be…

Then the process of forced displacement and displacement begins.

Then the planned replacement and replacement…

Their idea is structural change for the whole of society.

And reshape society with a changed vision

Really new…

Realizing the dream of the Promised State, this objective…

What's going on in the capital, Al Jazeera, there's nothing wrong with it

Random but planned…

A mini step for what will happen next…

We are waging an existential war whose goal is change…

It must be approached with this understanding, with an existential understanding…

Under conditions, standards and a serious new idea…

Do not accept immobility, silence or stagnation…

Let us establish a popular resistance that defends our identity

Prevents movement, repels damage, purifies impurities…

The victory of the rebellion leads us towards a tragic destiny…

Our social contract is broken, our identity is lost

And our nation dies…

Which creates a new reality whose title is fixed

Exclusion and dumping…

A major demographic change is taking place…

The world looks at him with indifference, but with pleasure…

There is no choice but to fight until the last drop of blood…

There will soon be no more room for popular resistance…

War has a goal, a name: change

A global social community that does not exclude…

Promises to make this or that answer

Bitterness does not heal…

There are no more promises of revenge that he doesn't see

People are actually divided…

Let us see it as a blazing fire that burns them and destroys their arrows

And their lips are cut…

What the evidence says in Kosti must be followed

Speak to action immediately…

We will not eat words, but rather actions in due time…

The war began with the attack on the headquarters

Establish proof…

It is not yet time for Al-Burhan to visit Shindi

The assassination of martyr Muhammad Siddiq…

If we continue to manage reactions, they will disappear

Our efforts are in vain…

If we sit and defend while they are still at a stage

The attack causes the birds to snatch us…

In football, the one who defends accepts and accepts

Here are the goals against us…

If anything happens, demographic change

An inevitable accident…

I wish we could seek advice before tomorrow morning…

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