In unprecedented step, Al-Bawasil signs sponsorship deal for Al-Fadlab League

I saw Al-Bawasil Company Limited, the exclusive agent in Sudan for Bravo Chips products

The Atbara Nile Branch announced that it had signed a sponsorship contract for the Al-Fadlab Youth League, and Al-Bawasil became the official sponsor of the second session of the Al-Fadlab Youth League. -Fadlab.

The company expressed its satisfaction with this step, which is considered a major cultural and sporting change at the level of the West Bank in particular and at the level of the locality of Atbara in general. The company added that this step would bring a lot for the sport. across the state, and announced that Al-Bawasil Ltd. “the exclusive agent in Sudan for Bravo Chips products branch”. Atbara sponsored the second session of the Al-Fadlab Youth League in its fourth edition, and an agreement was reached between the director of Al-Bawasil Company Ltd. for Bravo products in the Atbara branch, Ahmed Al-Senussi Al-Bashir, and the current sales representative of the company, the former director of the wholesale department, member of the organizing committee of the League of the youth of Al-Fadlab, and the worthy young son of the region, Muhammad Ezz Al-Din. The organizing committee described this step as a big gain for the region's league in terms of support, and for the company in terms of publicity through Al-Fadlab. Youth League Platform.

Al-Bawasil Company Limited, the exclusive agent in Sudan of Bravo chips products, launched the Atbara branch in Nile State, where the company confirmed the first stages of its work with its generous sponsorship of the conclusion of the recording phase. is a starting point and some of many others are coming, God willing, prizes for players, competitions for the public and much more exciting things.

On the other hand, the Premier League Organizing Committee expresses its thanks and appreciation to the company and hopes that this sponsorship will bode well for moving further into the organizational levels locally and externally.

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