To my lot, the martyr Muhammad Siddiq in his highness – Feather and Ball – ✍️ First Lieutenant / Suhaib Ezzedine

Now, 19 days after your martyrdom, we try to write. I wish the letters from “Papa” had become one hundred and twenty-eight letters, and I wish the sea were ink and the sky were newspapers, to accomplish. part of your destiny. My brother and your group, the heroic martyr, First Lieutenant Muhammad Siddiq. The 58th group which gave birth to you and dozens of martyrs in redemption for the soil of our dear homeland has brought us together with you. number in Umm Al-Kalali, the factory of men, the den of heroes, and among the lot, destiny wished that you were with us in the first company, so we treated and knew you closely. We testified to you, during. the four years we spent at the Military College, your good conduct and good origin, and we testify to God that we did not see anything shameful on your part, after passing the first year, your leadership abilities appeared and you were a leader. on your brothers. This ended in our fourth year by appointing you first sergeant in the first battalion, which includes 4 companies from the different promotions of the Military College, which are the three promotions that follow us, and these are only reached by those whose the college management has ensured moderate behavior and that its discipline and dedication are complete. We graduated in mid-2014, and the Ninth Airborne Division was your first step into guerrilla spirit and heroism. and you were the best officer.

The battle of Karamah came, and I was one of its knights, answering its call and hastening the response. I met you in Shindi the night before the first day of last Ramadan, on the way back to Bahri. You received me near the command. of the Third Division, Shindi. We greeted each other and hugged each other for a long distance, as if we knew it was the last meeting, knowing that I haven't met you for a long time, except for the continuous communication from the ambassador, that it never stopped, even before your martyrdom, and despite the circumstances of each of us, we prayed the Maghrib together that day, preceded by the dispersion of the congregation in the mosque of the military hospital of Shendi. We wandered around the town for the rest of the evening. Shendi and from there to one of the neighboring camps with an honorable group of batch members who were no less honorable, no less fraternal than you, and the meeting was wonderful. The last one, where we then left for Bahri after chatting. very much with your promises to do what is possible and your wish to liberate the Al-Jili region and enter Khartoum soon. Now we are convinced that the march continues and that there are those who will bring it to its conclusion. not be destroyed. I write about you now in the light of a fire lit by the Knights of the Air Force that has not gone out. For five days, we have set up the dens of rebellion in Al-Jili, our skies illuminated by the sea, in anger against you and your faithful companions, and in retaliation for all our martyrs, so let them taste the evil of this that they do.

We will not be sad about your death, because this is the path of all of us, even if life is long, so (every female son, even if his safety is long… one day on a portable hunchback machine ) and our consolation is that the death of heroes is always as painful as it is honorable.

It's destiny, my brother. He threw you, O Ali al-Qadr, descendant of honorable people, into the hands of these scum, and goods and ruins fell. It is the same fate that befell the Prophet's head. God, Yahya bin Zakariya, to one of the prostitutes of the Children of Israel. It is the same fate that befell the liver of Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, the master of martyrs and the uncle of the Messenger of God. peace be upon him between the molars of the polytheist Hind Bit Utbah It is the same fate that cast the companion Khabib bin Adi, may God be pleased with him, when he was captured by the Banu Lahyan who fed while he was. bound in captivity until he was killed, crucified as a martyr. It is the fate that made the martyrdom of Ali, may God bless him, may his face be the fourth of the rightly guided caliphs, the cousin of the Messenger of God. May God bless him and grant him peace, the husband of Al-Zahra, the father of Al-Hussein, the lord of the youth of the people of Paradise and the bearer of the gate of Khaybar in the hands of someone whose sandals are not equal to the width of his sandals. Such was the fate of Al-Faruq, the learned scholar, the victor, when he was killed by an inactive person.

Their captivity and assassination will take nothing away from you. He has lifted you up and put you down, honoring you and humbling them. He placed on every tongue calls for mercy, forgiveness and acceptance. and the acts recited. You will be an immortal symbol of the symbols of this nation and of a history that studies the course of time and draws inspiration from it regarding the conditions of victory and how to give it up. , with all your affiliations and reservations, sincerely to please your Lord and serve the soil of your country God willing, your martyrdom will be a lesson in struggle and a torch that will light the paths of those who come after you. injustice lasts, the life of the oppressor will be shortened, and if the lie spreads, it can be limited. Let us rejoice and be glad, for, God willing, this land which has been watered with your blood will be cleansed from their abomination and. It stinks, and we'll see it soon.

May God's mercy and pleasure be upon you when a caller calls for jihad. May the mercy and pleasure of God be upon you as long as the horses of truth walk and gallop. May the mercy and pleasure of God be upon you as much as a grain of dust. the noses of those behind you, fighters and mujahideen. May the mercy and pleasure of God be upon you with every blow with which I intend to kill an aggressor or repel an aggressor, you and all our martyrs.

May God have mercy on the martyrs… heal the wounded… restore the missing

Pride, nobility and invincibility for our armed forces

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