What a shame, Burhan – Mawazanat – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

Many events, issues and topics have come and gone in the short period of time that has passed, and for various reasons we have not or have been able to express an opinion or comment, and we are still hearing and learning about new events and comments every day. even horrors in a country. which has satisfied our desires and is subjected to mockery, and it is the country dearest to its people, regardless of the young people who try to harm it…

The last excerpts I heard were those of Nazir (Bu) Afzrajesh, whose voice was hoarse from overeating, addressing the idiots of his people who applauded him, calling on them to rebel against the state and its leaders, mentioning Lieutenant General Burhan by name, and calling on them to take revenge and retaliate against what he calls the events in Kandahar…

The events in Kandahar are known to the people because the army dealt a painful blow to the Janjaweed, and perhaps among them were the sons of this Bu's tribe, who resembled him in behavior and education, because they used to fill their stomachs. with forbidden things, even if it was at the expense of a nation that they sought to dismantle, and they do not know for themselves or for their future generations a fate and a future after this dismantling…

He who looks at his people must not go unnoticed by his actions and words, and he must not remain like this, like a prepared rooster who breaks everything that comes near him and burns himself and his future generations…

Such a person (and I am confident that all government agencies listened to what she said and were aware of the actions she was threatening) should not be left free to approach people in ignorance and incite people to fight the government and its armed forces. .

Such a person must be pursued wherever he goes, and he must be arrested, even if it is a kidnapping, as the militia does to those they seek. She must be disciplined and educated again so that she knows the difference between state and state. a mercenary life, and that he must know that supervisors, mayors, emirates and other civil administration positions are not bought, sold or given through cards issued by the offices of the Janjaweed leader…

Silence over the words and actions of these people is no longer a virtue or a form of wisdom or an adherence to the poetry of Muawiyah… People like this Nazir (Al-Bu) should not be allowed to be released by the government, as they sought to threaten and weaken the prestige of the state and defied everyone by declaring that they would take revenge…

We await decisive and strong decisions against many tribal leaders. We have heard what they are saying and we know their intentions and intentions to harm the entire country, for the sole reason that they are ignorant people who follow everyone's plans and designs. those who push them to achieve their goals, and the price is a full belly….

It was useful to everyone

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