Berri Atbara _ People's Port Sudan..Empires of brokers and brokers – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

For two consecutive days, I was one of the visitors to the Atbara land port and the popular Port Sudan market, from where transportation to all destinations departs and where both places are filled with people looking to travel to all regions of Sudan. .

In both places, people's lives are being trampled on due to the mismanagement and indulgence of the authorities and bus and business owners towards many negative practices and a number of errors …

In the port of Atbara, gangs of brokers greet you with shouts and try to drag you, even if you are an old man or a disabled woman, to the offices they deal with so that you can get your ticket there. You risk losing part of your luggage or losing a shirt sleeve or button. As for your state after taking the ticket, especially in the early morning and when dozens of people are scheduled to move… The buses at the same time, and you. you will find yourself in (Malawat, Madafara and Maafira) with crowds of people fighting to reach a ticket office that sells entry tickets…

The strong eat the weak, and those who fall fall and lose their business, those who lose and argue, those who argue with others, and the reason is not to employ more than one person to sell tickets entry to people.

Among my people, Port Sudan, the situation is dominated by gangs of brokers and brokers who excel at eating travelers' money and wasting all their rights to travel comfortably…

This is one of the buses, and I think the only ones traveling on it are the Mutawakkilun. His tickets were distributed among the brokers, and one of them shouted that the ticket price was 40,000 pounds, even though the price was high. The ticket price at the office was 31 thousand pounds. As for the brokers, they had a monopoly on what they called the stands, which are the bus aisle, so he would take a passenger for 20 thousand pounds, noted Even Atbara. that this bus carried more than twenty passengers in the aisle alone, which did not even hinder the movement of the guest.

Throughout this journey, this bus did not give a dose of water to the passengers, and everyone knows the weather these days…

Throughout this journey, display screens inside the bus forced passengers to hear and see content they did not want, including chants that described the current war as if it were of a war between the Kizan and the Janjaweed and not between the army. . Sudanese, rapid support rebels and African mercenaries…

The chaos extends in all directions and the censor is completely absent from these places. Neither the official authorities responsible for regulating the presence, contact with citizens, entry and exit of these places fulfill their functions, nor do the censors of what is there. broadcast to the ears of passengers, and the owners of these buses and companies also do not fulfill their duty to monitor the behavior of these brokers and brokers who charge for the trip what the vehicle owner does not charge.

This is the situation we have seen, and perhaps what is hidden is greater, and for this and for this we demand that everyone acts to protect people from those who only care about themselves and make money at the expense of citizens, especially since Eid is approaching and greed will multiply dozens of times. Before this and that, we must protect people from what is broadcast on the screens of these buses, and after that I will swim against the tide.

God was helping everyone

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