Shendi: Official and popular leaders honor engineers of new electric transformer

The official and popular Shendi honored the engineers who installed the new power transformer with a capacity of 100 megawatts, which helps solve the electricity problem in Shendi.

Shendi locality, the Third Infantry Division, Shendi University, the General Intelligence Department, the Zakat Office, the General Council of the Jaaleen Tribes, the Popular Resistance, local and foreign media participated in this ceremony.

Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said that the great effort made by these engineers during the ten days in which the installation of the new electrical transformer was completed is an effort worthy of recognition. honor from all the inhabitants of Shindi. , whose suffering ends with the operation of this new transformer.

The Executive Director thanked the Sovereignty Council, Nile State Government, 3rd Infantry Division, Bashandi and the Nile River Electricity Company, who greatly appreciated the arrival of this transformer.

He renewed his thanks to the citizens of the locality of Shendi who showed patience during the long days of budget cuts.

The Executive Director praised all sectors who rushed to the station to support these engineers who continued to work day and night.

Chairman of the Council of Shendi University, Engineer Al-Muatasem Ibrahim, said that the great efforts made by these engineers deserve to be honored and that Shendi today, with all its popular and official leaders, participates to this well-deserved honor.

Deputy Chief Superintendent of the Jaaleen Tribes, Muhammad Ibrahim Wad Al-Bay, renewed his thanks to the work team who completed the task in a short time, which is a testament to the efficiency of this team, which worked sincerely until it is completed. his tasks.

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