The response of the National Human Rights Mechanism to the statement of the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the events of the massacre in the village of Wad Noura

*The National Human Rights Mechanism welcomes what was stated in the statement of the High Commissioner for Human Rights issued in Geneva on June 6, 2024 regarding the massacre in the village of Wad Al Noura in the State of 'Al Jazeera and the brutal killing of unarmed citizens in cold blood by the brutal Rapid Support rebel militia in a massacre that claimed more than 200 lives. 37 children were killed and more than 300 were injured, mostly children, women and the elderly, and what followed was looting, theft and demolition of houses on the heads of their inhabitants , attacks on the honor of women and girls and violence against them, using combat means and large caliber and high impact weapons; And practice methods contrary to laws and customs, in flagrant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law.

*The National Mechanism* expresses its deep regret at the premature description of this heinous incident in the press release, without firmly condemning the real perpetrator and without holding him fully responsible for this heinous crime, and without calling on the competent authorities to work to maintain the author in detention. responsible and punish him.

She also expresses her regret at the statements contained in the press release suggesting a justification for this attack, which is not the intention of the High Commissioner. Unless he bases his evaluations on impressions contrary to reality, he should correct them. Targeting civilian property and killing unarmed civilians is the approach the militia has continued to practice without any hesitation.

*The National Mechanism renews its refusal to equate the armed forces, which use their legitimate right to preserve the unity of the country and protect citizens, with the rebel militias dissolved under national laws after their rebellion against the armed forces and their attempt to overthrow power. government.

*The National Mechanism also expresses its astonishment and astonishment at the invitation of the Commissioner to the rebel militia to carry out an investigation into the events that occurred in the village of Wad al-Noura, which the militia will not be able to do for lack of the required communication chain. a command that would make him capable of enforcing law and order after devolving into gangs of looting and killing, as he is morally incompetent, and he has also failed to provide those responsible for ethnic cleansing committed by its leaders on the ground in El Salvador. Geneina.

*The National Mechanism calls on the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as a competent international body, to investigate the accuracy and condemn this incident, provide the true description, name the main criminal and condemn him in the strongest terms and expressions, and request that punishment be inflicted on him, so as not to give him the opportunity to justify his actions by encouraging him to continue his violations and helping him to escape the punishment.

*The National Human Rights Mechanism* calls on the High Commissioner to confirm the conviction of the militia for the crimes committed and to pressure them to comply with what they signed in the “* Jeddah Declaration – Commitment to Protect Civilians in Sudan* and to call on all international human rights actors and international human rights mechanisms to condemn, arrest and punish this heinous crime urgently the real perpetrator, and to emphasize that regional supporters who supply the rebel Rapid Support militia with equipment and weapons that are used to kill civilians bear responsibility for this heinous crime.

*The National Mechanism confirms* that stopping the fighting requires the rebel militia to respect what it recognized and signed in Jeddah in May 2023, by leaving citizens' homes and civilian property, and by ending to its repeated attacks on populated villages and towns and targeting defenseless civilians.

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