Foreign presence is a time bomb that threatens society and the state – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

Unregulated foreign presence is a global problem that threatens and faces all countries in the world without exception, especially economically developed countries, but in numbers.

It has many advantages and disadvantages. The legalized foreign presence benefits the country in terms of progress and development in different areas, whether economic, military or others. It allows the exchange of experiences so that the State can benefit from it in its development. in the field it requires, while the disadvantages of unregulated foreign presence in particular are that it is considered… A security threat that threatens the State It also contributes to the spread of contagious and contagious diseases like the AIDS, Ebola, tuberculosis. , hepatitis C and other diseases that threaten the epidemic. This also contributes to the spread of organized crime. Many crimes foreign to Sudanese society have appeared, in addition to the introduction of customs and traditions that do not resemble the society and are incompatible. with it, whether on a moral or ethical level, the positive and negative aspects are numerous and varied, but these are not limited to it.

One of the main reasons for the spread of this phenomenon is the widening of the borders of the large country through which foreigners from neighboring African countries infiltrate, and Sudan is considered only as a crossing point for some of them. between them who dream of going through Europe. smuggling, in addition to leniency and the inability to enact dissuasive laws that make them reluctant to enter.

Recently, security reports during the war between the armed forces and the rebel Rapid Support militia showed the participation of a large number of foreigners in this militia, prompting the state to limit their spread and return all people found illegally. Dissuasive laws have been adopted to deal with this danger, considered a time bomb that threatens society and the State at any moment.

To limit the spread of the phenomenon, it is necessary to enact laws that prevent their entry, restrict the rest of them, remove all those whose presence is proven by illegal means, create files for all those who work inside of the country, review them periodically and carry out an investigation. their medical examination when renewing the employment contract or whenever necessary.

The citizen must participate with the relevant authorities, such as the police and security services, in determining the gathering places of foreigners who work in restaurants, farms and other jobs in which they work, as well as those who work in houses as servants. without the knowledge of the competent authorities, so that the citizen retains his right when recording data from abroad, he can quickly contact him in the event of a crime in many small thefts, such as gold and objects of value, when they have been stolen by a stranger. , the author could not be contacted with the required speed due to the lack of private information because the family in which he works did not register his data and information with the competent authorities, which contributes to the loss of rights and helps him escape. justice by hiding or returning to his native country.

The State must activate dissuasive laws and demand accountability from anyone who hosts foreigners, whether an individual or a group, to work for them without the knowledge of the competent authorities so as not to have recorded their data.

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