The Security Council resolution… circumvention and procrastination – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*One of the fun aspects of the resolution is that it calls on parties to withdraw their fighters when necessary to allow agricultural activities throughout the agricultural season to avoid exacerbating the risk of famine)*

*The grounds on which the resolution is based, and in accordance with international humanitarian law mentioned in the resolution, are called war crimes,*

*The resolution did not contain a single word condemning the militia*

*The resolution calls on the Rapid Support Forces to end the siege of El Fasher; He calls for an immediate cessation of fighting and a halt to escalation in El Fasher and its surroundings*.

*Security Council fully informed of UAE and Chad violation of arms embargo on Darfur*

*Resolution calls for full implementation of the Jeddah Declaration on Commitment to Protect Civilians in Sudan*

With the support of 14 members and Russia abstaining from the vote, the Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that the Rapid Support Forces stop their siege of El Fasher, and calls for an immediate cessation of fighting and a reduction in climbing in El Fasher and its surroundings. , and the withdrawal of all combatants who threaten the safety and security of civilians.

The resolution calls on all parties to the conflict to respect their obligations under international law, including international human rights law, where applicable, and international humanitarian law, particularly with regard to the conduct of hostilities and protection of civilians and civilian objects, recalling that civilian facilities, including hospitals and medical personnel, schools, places of worship and United Nations facilities, as well as humanitarian personnel, United Nations personnel United Nations and associated personnel, including national and local personnel, as well as medical personnel and their means of transportation, must be respected and protected, in accordance with international humanitarian law. All member states must refrain from external interference aimed at provoking conflict and instability, and instead support efforts to achieve lasting peace, and remind all parties to the conflict and instability. Member States facilitating transfers of arms and military equipment to Darfur of their obligations to respect the arms embargo measures set out in paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004), and reiterates that those violating the arms embargo may be included among targeted measures in accordance with paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591 (2005),

The grounds on which the resolution is based, and according to international humanitarian law mentioned in the resolution, qualify as war crimes, and the siege of El Fasher, the cutting off of its water and the bombing of hospitals, markets and residential areas are crimes. against humanity punishable by international law. The Security Council is fully informed of the violation committed by the United Arab Emirates. Chad has decided to ban the supply of weapons to Darfur, most of which are American weapons, including Javelin and Kornet missiles, armored vehicles, vehicles, artillery, and ammunition, in addition to weapons manufactured in the United Arab Emirates, various marches and modern communication devices, in addition to providing the militia with information on the movements of the Sudanese army and the stipulated decision (they can be included), but this inclusion was . not decided.

Perhaps one of the funny things mentioned in the resolution is that the Council also calls on the parties to withdraw their fighters when necessary to allow agricultural activities throughout the agricultural season to avoid exacerbating the risk of famine). Unfortunately, the farmer who wrote this paragraph). He forgot that his Council has no other concern than the famine ravaging Sudan and that it is too late to demand that the militias not plunder the crops after they have been harvested. This paragraph also ignored the militia assault on agricultural areas of the country. the island, plundering production inputs, tractors, fertilizers and livestock from the island and its villages, displacing the population and committing massacres of villages one after the other,

It is clear that the decision is an attempt to circumvent Sudan's complaint against the Emirates, which was due to be heard last May. This decision is a veiled response to the complaint. Even if you look, such circumstances and what comes out of them are ready. The militias will not react to this decision. It was the joint forces that broke the siege of El Fasher. The armed forces and popular resistance are responsible for the expulsion. the militia of citizens' homes and civil property.

June 14, 2024 AD

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