Great managers do things the right way. Leaders do the right things.. Zul Net Network..a model for leaders of media and electronic journalism ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

“In 1992, Chicago Online created the first electronic newspaper on the America Online network, and according to Kawamoto, the first electronic journalism website on the Internet was launched in 1993 at the College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Florida, which is the Palo Alto Online site, and another site was added to it on January 19, 1994, which is Alto Palo Weekly which became the first newspaper… Electronic journalism quickly spread to the rest of the world (the first) at the expense of the traditional paper press, leaving behind a rich heritage and history, during a period which was not short, this heritage contributed to forming global consciousness and to the rapprochement between peoples, and to spread knowledge and civilization, because these newspapers contain comprehensive, covering content. all aspects of life's activities, including politics, industry, sport, culture and health. They have generally helped to increase awareness and expand the area of ​​urbanization on the world map.

With the introduction of the Internet and modern communications networks in Sudan in the 1990s, some private companies working in the media field rapidly continued their technical and technological development with a view to ensuring their necessary digital presence, taking into account due to the fact that the typical personality of the Sudanese reader is accustomed… The traditional media (press, radio, television) have difficulty becoming, overnight, one of the pioneers and followers of the technological revolution and digital media, Teaching the use of devices and networks to older parents and the elderly.

Communication devices and networks have quickly become necessities of civil and urban life

Later, “even the villages and the countryside became an implication” of this situation, which included a “large” part of the earth's population, until it was said: (The world is the village) thanks to this electronic technical acceleration.

Since the press, radio and television were and still are the best (reliable) means of transmission (of information) and scientific circulation, many electronic sites have gained the following and trust of the recipient, and among these sites are finds (Zool Net), which was established at the beginning of the second decade of the third millennium AD, and with an impressive and remarkable acceleration, it attracted the attention and following of the majority of Sudanese and those who interest in Sudanese affairs from countries around the world. which are almost constantly present on search engines and social media, which started as a means of social communication and transformed into a scientific and practical, commercial, advertising and media presence, allows you to communicate with those you target. ideas and information, advertise your products and cultural content, and many other things that you can achieve with your digital presence, which has become necessary…

Those responsible for the work in the (mother) network (Zool Net) were attentive to this real need and did not limit themselves, like other electronic networks, to specializing in a field or language, and thus achieved a integrated system model. The media knowledge service, starting with news and passing through articles, opinion columns, pages on Facebook and groups on WhatsApp publishes timely news, accompanied by photos and videos, thus reaching its objective and slogan:

(Zul Net, we will keep you close)..

It was and still is the most widespread, the most reliable and the closest to us and to you.

Add to that the success

To attract the largest number of Sudanese writers, journalists and media professionals inside and outside Sudan, with their diverse cultures and divergent opinions, to Zoll Net.

And their contribution to the network in the formation of the largest and broadest content and media platform that united and influenced the formation and construction of the most popular information, news and opinion base. more complete, at the service of the Sudanese people, and “standing”. with her, the country and its major issues in this critical stage that we are going through.

I am unable to contain all the appreciable efforts and hard work I feel from the constellation of Zool Net network employees, including departments, employees and leaders, who have given us all this excellence (in words, in deeds and in content), and highlighted in this passing article..

In turn, I congratulate the network family, the content writers, the artistic and technical staff, the media colleagues, the pioneers and the followers, for this success which grows day by day, and which deserves to be broadcast , and always forward, and every year and you and the country with all the best..

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