The Battle of El Fasher and the resolution of the war (April 15) in favor of the Sudanese army ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

_ Those who follow the entire course and events of the war (April 15, 2023) will find that the Rapid Support Forces militia, and its allies at the local, regional and international levels, had aspirations linked to the need to occupy the city ​​of Fasher (Sultan) due to its strategic importance to the Sudanese state, and this alternative and precise plan came immediately after the loss to kill the commander of the Sudanese army, Al-Burhan, and kill all military commanders who oppose their plans.

Therefore, we find that the interest in taking control of El Fasher was a strategic necessity for the militia (to annex) North Darfur State to the rest of the Greater Darfur States. After that, seizing the Greater Kordofan states would be easy. , including Al-Obeid Airport, due to its international importance for the arrival of military supplies and all equipment for the militia to continue its brutal war against the Sudanese citizen. After that, a state would be declared under Rapid Support rule. The militia as the first step, or the whole plan would be implemented to dismantle Sudan in order to occupy the White Nile and Sennar, passing through the eastern and northern states of Sudan, but the militia, its leaders and all its allies (forgotten, reproduced, or ignored) that there exists a Sudanese army strong in bones, determination and will. Under his leadership and intelligent ideas, all local, regional and international “tricks” and conspiracies are disintegrating.

Therefore, thanks to the valor of the courageous soldiers of the People's Armed Forces and the soldiers and leaders of the national armed struggle movements who are loyal to their homeland and their people in El Fasher and all the states of Sudan, the victory was deserved by the thugs and mercenaries to keep Sudan one and united in terms of land and people, because the fall of El Fasher really and clearly means (emptying) all the regions of Darfur from other tribes who do not have no connection with the Rapid Support Militia, and this is the biggest challenge facing the Sudanese state in remaining united territorially and people-wise.

As for Babanusa, he speaks to us about himself with firmness, and with that, security came to the people, as the soldiers of the Babanusa (Qena) division stood tall.

As for North Kordofan (Al-Abyad Abu Quba Fahl Al-Dyoum), it is a completely different story, as the Haggana, the mother of the army's SAS forces, has remained steadfast, alongside the reserve forces, of the security apparatus, of the police. , and the Military Intelligence Authority of the Fifth Infantry Division (the Haggana), and through this honest and courageous national alliance, it has continued to achieve victories, spreading security and comfort to the souls of Kordofan and Sudanese society, and she is fighting. the most fierce and unforgettable historical battles that history must cover with letters of light. In one of its decisive battles, it eliminated the backbone of the rebellion in Greater Kordofan, which attacked Al-Obeid airport with more than (around a hundred) combat vehicles. ) On the morning of the declaration of war (April 15) against the Sudanese army, several military aircraft were destroyed at the Al-Obeid airport called (Abdul Moneim Shreya).

The leader of the El Fasher militia (Ali Yaqoub) was also eliminated.

It is certain that after the militia lost its field commander (Sheria) in Greater Kordofan and its field commander Ali Yaqoub in Greater Darfur, its backbone broke under the feet of our great army, and proclaiming victory with the end of the war (April 15) became an hour of patience.

Thus, we can categorically and conclusively state that the overwhelming victory won by the Sudanese army in the Battle of El Fasher against the Rapid Support Militia decided the entire course of the war and its tactical future entirely in its favor, so that Sudan remains united. in the land and the people.

May you always stay safe,,,

The second day of Eid Al-Adha.

Corresponding to (June 17, 2024)

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