Al-Sharmut and the days of Tashreeq ✍️ Muhammad Talab

The title may seem strange and there is no relationship between the Sharmut and the Days of Tashreeq, so let's continue until we see the nature of the relationship…

We are experiencing these days of Eid Al-Adha, may God bring it back to everyone in Yemen and blessings, the days of Tashreeq, which are linked to many legal rules in transactions and worship, as well as to personal connections and memories for each individual.

Let me take you back almost half a century ago…………..

In religion class, his teacher told us about the time of Tashreeq.

-And the legal provisions linked to it

– However, it was (his name) that distracted me from this course in the first years of my life.

-At the end of the course, I was asked a question about the same lesson and I didn't answer it, so I was beaten

-I returned the sa' for two sa'… and I asked the subject teacher (What do these days of tashreeq mean??? Why did they call them that???)

(He stuttered and responded with something he didn't know)

He discovered after many years that his answer was wrong and that he was not right, and that the question was embarrassing… similar to many questions facing public affairs officials today.

*So what are the days of Tashreeq??*

*and why was it named like that??*

The surprise is that the answer means (the asshole)… (yes, that asshole)

I will come back to this later… but I now ask a question which may seem strange: where did the “shame”, as it is called in Sudan… (and perhaps we will come back to the explanation of this in another article). )

Shamout is (bacon)

Dried meat or (qadid) is meat preserved by drying by exposing it to the sun or over a charcoal fire, and it is widespread in different human cultures.

And here in Sudan, it is dried in the sun and preserved when needed, where it is ground using (fandak and pestle) to make a food called (sharmout salt). Now that name is gone and that method is gone. Indeed, there is no more meat left from the sacrifice, and it will perhaps end on the same day. Glory to God may be (the blessing has been extracted) from the flesh of the lamb… from any lamb…. Not to mention the sacrificial lamb, intended to bring one closer to God.

Now let us see why these days are called the Days of Tashreeq.

These are days when there is a lot of sacrificial meat and sacrificial animals, and there is no way to preserve them at that time. Therefore, to preserve these huge quantities of meat, the meat is dissected into small pieces, cut open and shiny. until the sun dries them, and drying is one of the ways of preserving food at this time.

I request the honorable reader to research the meaning of al-Tashreeq (along with Uncle Google) with careful examination and investigation, and have conveyed to you the following:

*(Tashreeq is defined in the language as aging meat, and it is an old custom among the Arabs known as Tashreeq, which means cutting meat into small pieces and drying it under the rays of the sun, it that's why we call her old)*

This is the definition of Tashreeq, meaning this is the way (sormut) works.

I won't hide a secret if I tell you that dried (white) salt water (shamout), meaning “without sauce”, has a special taste and pure flavor that has disappeared with it (those with cracks and distinct odors). ) of our precious grains, may God have mercy on them…

Happy New Year and I ask you to pray for my dear mother (Haja Bit Al-Faki Jadallah). I miss her, and I miss this time and all our beautiful days.

Peace (finish)

The above article that I wrote years ago in my father's life, may God have mercy on him, is part of a group of articles researching the meaning and connotations of certain things and memories of Sudanese life. Now we don't know what. writing in light of this massive destruction and the change that is taking place in the form of life of the Sudanese people… May God destroy the wars and the devastating psychological accumulations that they leave behind.. Here we cry at the time of. (The Days of God's Forbearance), and our holidays have become a cause of sorrow, and every day we lose a dear member of our family and loved ones to bullets or sorrow… We ask God for mercy and forgiveness for them and to give us patience in our lives and not to die in the hope that our (Days of Tolerance) and our life in a homeland will return to us. It suits everyone.

Good morning

Muhammad asked

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