A serious road accident involving Commander Mustafa Tambour

This evening, June 18, 2024, Commander Mustafa Tambour was exposed to a road accident that resulted in his car overturning more than three times while returning from the Al-Fashqa area, where he He visited this morning to inspect supporters of his movement, who organized a public meeting for him and his forces fighting alongside the Sudanese armed forces. This accident was due to the fact that Commander Tambour's car was on board the vehicle and went down from the rubble, hitting boulders which caused it to overturn. On board the vehicle were Commander Mustafa Tambour, his personal guard, and Professor Shaima Babakir Al-Bilali, Secretary General of the Sudan Liberation Movement. According to information we received from official sources within the Sudan Liberation Movement, Tambour has suffered various attacks. injuries. As for Ms. Shaima, she suffers from pain in her back and right leg, in addition to her bodyguard, whose head hit the car windshield. Generally, a large number of Al-Fashqa citizens moved to the accident site to rescue the victims, but travel difficulties due to heavy rains prevented this.

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