Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Wednesday June 19, 2024

Political news:

US envoy threatens international intervention in Sudan if warring parties fail to achieve peace

♢ Handover of (7) combat support vehicles in the Abu Dulaiq region

♢The rebellion invades Amdum and loots more than 300 vehicles

♢A new massacre… (24) citizens were killed during a rebellion attack on the town of Al-Huda on the island

♢Joint forces and air force carry out massive military operation to liberate Al-Zarq base

♢Joint forces liberate Wadi Hawar and Ambar

♢The rebellion assassinates the medical director of Umm Dawaban hospital, Omar Al-Sayyed

♢The rebellion displaces (20,000) citizens of Amdum

♢Kabashi: The lesson of El Fasher will be repeated in all axes… and we will rebuild Sudan

♢Ardol: The formation of the strategic raw materials portfolio is the cause of the deterioration of the national currency

♢Tempour calls on Al-Sayyadi to form a government with limited tasks and launch a political process in which the army will be a major party

♢Minawi: The support militia documents its crimes by burning the village of Arori in North Darfur

♢A mother and her daughters were killed by a shell fired by the rebellion in the Al-Rahma neighborhood of Al-Fasher

Sudanese respond with much sarcasm to World Health Organization praise of UAE for supporting Sudan

♢Salak: We have not aligned ourselves and will not align ourselves with any party. We support peace and we will remain steadfast in it.

♢Saudi Arabia determines methods and controls of financial transfers to Sudanese

♢Rebel Omar Jibril, leader of rebel attack on armored vehicles, was injured

♢Rain, thunderstorms and downpours… Meteorology warns residents of (4) states

♢A fire devours the area overlooking the Arqin border post

♢Sudan at the Security Council: the wounded from the rebellion are treated in Umm Jaras and Dubai

♢The Sincere Friend: The crisis and suffering of the Sudanese people all over the world has reached its end, and dawn follows the darkest moment of the night.

♢Hamdok begins a new African tour

♢Renaissance Dam negotiations halted at Sudan’s request

♢Security Council fails to handle flow of UAE support for militia

♢The electricity company announces a severe program in Port Sudan which extends for (14) hours

♢Minawi: support and some countries continue to seek to retake Darfur

♢In gang attack, Sudanese refugee killed in Ethiopian forests, others injured

♢The Greif Resistance Committees announce the death of (32) people from hunger and disease last week

♢The rebellion attacks the support village (32) in Al-Faw

♢ Hamdak's passionate interview with a British newspaper: Al-Burhan's coup in October 2021 prepared the way for the outbreak of fighting

♢The clashes in El Fasher push South Sudanese refugees to flee the Bentiu camp

♢US-Saudi talks to take collective international action to end war in Sudan

♢More than (6) thousand Sudanese refugees face an unknown fate between bullets and the jungle

♢Demands for release of Al-Bawaqa detainees

♢Arman writes: The feasibility of political dialogue before the end of the war are unanswered questions

♢Sudan holds UAE responsible for continuing war

♢The army receives (8) combat vehicles and clears two villages west of Madani

♢Gedaref Ministry of Health receives (4) dialysis machines

♢Nasser Al-Sayyid Al-Nour writes: The war of extermination and politics in Sudan

♢Al-Jili refinery employees launch hashtag to save it

♢ An Esferi attack on novelist Baraka Sakin after he neglected the role of Islamists in the war

♢Saudi newspaper: Sudanese pilgrims… face sadness and wishes torn apart by the desire for a secure homeland

♢Trending video: Sudanese children must stop the war now

♢ Volker Türk, UN human rights commissioner: the two generals were informed of their responsibility in the destruction of the country

♢After rebellion fails to achieve its goals, UAE imposes ban on number of Sudanese companies

♢ UN official: Sudan is being destroyed before our eyes

♢Verbal altercations and exchange of accusations between representatives of Sudan and the United Arab Emirates at the United Nations

♢Between Alia Hospital in Bamdurman, Al-Daman Hospital in Merowe and his house in Glass and Merowe Dam. Conflicting news on Omar Al-Bashir's residence

♢Initiative: Unfair trials of women accused of espionage in Sudan

♢Source: The Arqin Passage fire caused huge losses

♢Wali of Khartoum: The Central Reserve Forces will remain a symbol of heroism and sacrifice

♢ Efforts to provide sera to (4) Sudanese states that have recorded cases of rabies

♢Following the collapse of a gold pit, the death of (6) miners in Haya, Red Sea State

♢UAE: Lies will not stop us from finding a political solution for Sudan

♢Libyan parliamentarian demands control of southern border due to continued influx into Sudan

♢Barma: The only way to save the country safely is through dialogue which will lead to an end to the war

♢Power company apologizes for sudden outage in Port Sudan, calls for rationalization

♢Libyan activist: There are legitimate concerns about the number of migrants and refugees in Libya, particularly Sudanese

♢ Report: The feasibility of political dialogue before the end of the war… Unanswered questions… The right to life before political rights

♢UN Security Council holds briefing on situation in Sudan

♢Mohamed Esmat: The false media wars are coming to an end

♢United Nations: Sudan is destroyed because of a war between two parties

♢Salah Manna accuses the Islamic Movement of planning to transfer the war to Darfur

♢Gabriel: Successive victories and soon the end of the rebellion

♢Kabashi meets West Kordofan State delegation

♢ Khartoum Roads, Bridges and Sewerage Authority: integrating roles to ensure safe return

♢Sudan presents new evidence of UAE-led war against country to Security Council

₩Sports news:

♢Al-Merreikh trains for two hours with the participation of internationals

♢Al-Merreikh recruits Senegalese player Mbaye

Sergei Boko joins Al Hilal

♢Ibrahimah: We are looking to build a championship team. The Elite and Sikava are a perfect setting for champions

♢An exciting division in Al-Ahmar training session, and a foreign duo joins the technical staff

₩Various news:

♢El Fasher pilgrims recount their difficult experience during their journey from the besieged city to Jeddah

♢Northern Governor extends Eid congratulations to Karama battle wounded at Marawi Military Hospital

♢Inauguration of the distribution of sacrificial meat provided by the Ethar Organization to expatriate families in Damar

♢ Badi inaugurates the work of the Souda health center in the governorate and lays the foundation stone of the school of the late Mayor Badi.

♢Islamic Dawa Organization distributes sacrifices to (1,750) families in White Nile shelters

♢Khartoum Governor visits Omdurman landmarks in recognition of their steadfastness (14) months under militia siege

♢The director of advocacy welcomes the role of SONA in the reflection and development of zakat media

♢UN High Commissioner examines refugee situation in White Nile

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