The importance of higher education to achieve renaissance in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Higher education in any country represents the cornerstone of the development process and one of the main indicators of the progress of people and the construction of humanity. The need for higher education has increased and interest in its development has increased, due to this. its importance in meeting the demands of development and serving its objectives, as institutions of higher education and centers of specialized study and research have become. Scientific education is a focus for cultural and scientific decision-making, a source for developing strategic directions and an incubator for producing qualified minds to advance cultural construction and the national economy of the country. Universities play an important role in leading teaching, learning, research and technology. Universities offer educational pathways and professional training for high-level jobs, as well as training focused on personal development. The role of universities is very important for all sectors, from a social and legal point of view, in our times. Graduates from all disciplines also need to know more about sustainability. Universities can help them acquire the new knowledge and skills needed to address society's sustainability challenges, as well as raise public awareness and provide advanced measures for informed decision-making, responsible behavior and choices of consumption.

In recognition of the importance of higher education and its important role in countries around the world, the United Nations declared in 2002 that the period 2005-2014 is the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The goal of the movement was to integrate. the principles and practices of sustainable development in all aspects of teaching and learning. Today, higher education institutions continue to play an important role in promoting sustainable development, and universities play several roles within society through which they can contribute to sustainable development. events. Significant pioneering research is often carried out within higher education institutions, helping to generate innovation and knowledge. Likewise, universities have a responsibility to train the decision-makers who shape the future. Universities play a key role in providing society with responsible citizens, ensuring high standards of teaching, research and learning. UNESCO has stated that universities have three important objectives, namely (teaching, research and community service), and therefore

Universities are key institutions in processes of social change and development. The most important role assigned to them is to produce skilled manpower and disseminate research results to achieve the desired goals. Another role that universities can play is to build new institutions of civil society, develop new cultural values, train people and establish social relations with them, taking into account the support of social protection. Rapid improvement in the well-being of the population requires a rationalization of all the resources available to the nation. Universities are among the most important of these resources, because national development is the result of two simultaneous processes (growth and change), and both can be decisively influenced by science and technology in all their forms. This requires a university to play a leading role in development efforts and place the needs of the development process at the heart of its educational activities.

When people talk about quality education, they are often referring to the type of education that gives students the knowledge and skills they need in the job market. But some believe that a good education has wider benefits, as it develops individuals in ways that contribute to the development of society as a whole. University education must do more than produce a graduate who can find a job. Higher education must also provide students with opportunities, choices, and a voice in workplace safety, job satisfaction, security, advancement, and dignity. This should prepare them to participate in the economy and society as a whole.

The best example that can be deduced of the importance of higher education in the rebirth of nations is the examination of the experience of the countries called the “Asian tigers”, which are the countries of East Asia. East (Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong). and South Korea), which were able to achieve significant and rapid economic growth rates between the 1960s and 1990s, thanks to development in the field of education and higher education. Therefore, teaching is considered a very respectable task. The teacher has every right to engage in the training courses he needs to develop his abilities and increase his giving rate, and this is an additional burden placed on his shoulders. From the experience of Singapore, which was one of the countries lagging behind in its education system during World War II until the mid-1970s, the country's leaders decided to reform the educational process through an integrated curriculum that includes all educational aspects. , including programs – developing teacher skills – rehabilitating buildings – educating parents. This strategy is called collective payment, and all this evidence confirms that the university professor represents the cutting edge of the learning process. So I think that's the state trend. meeting the demands of teachers in Sudan, which resulted in the implementation of part of the proposed salary structure for teaching staff approved in a previous period, represents a positive step, and I hope that efforts will be extended to meet the salaries of assistant managers and technicians, which represent one of the most important pillars, and I also hope that this will continue by amending the law on pensions for university professors up to complete disability, as well as radically addressing the conditions of scholarship professors. , then by allocating a significant budget to advance scientific research in universities, faculty members can contribute to its implementation through the preparation of solid scientific studies, brainstorming sessions and workshops particularly at the light of the current situation in the country. , designing sources to finance this increase in the structure so that it does not lead to an increase in monetary inflation rates. Finally, university administrations and faculty members must be dedicated and diligent in preparing programs that will meet the accumulated number of students for more. only three payments. At a certain level, these proposed treatments do not affect the deterioration of quality rates of educational outcomes…

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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