Primary certificate correction process begins in Shindi

Grading procedures for primary school certificate examinations have started in Nile State, and in Shendi locality, Nile State Minister of Education Ahmed Hamid Yassin reviewed the first stage of the grading procedures, with unpacking and packing operations. Then, the grading operations, which are expected to begin on Sunday, praised the level of grading procedures for the primary school certificate exams, the organization and layout of work and the safety of procedures in accordance with exam regulations and controls. .

He said that the experience of correcting primary school examinations in localities has many advantages, including giving confidence to education departments in carrying out control work, announcing results, the acquisition of new experiences for a number of teachers who participate for the first time and the reduction of financial costs. cost of control and correction work.

He pointed out that the success of the primary school certificate exam correction experiment could similarly encourage the implementation of middle school exams in the coming years.

For his part, the Executive Director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, during his visit to the Al-Fanar School Correctional Center, was reassured about the technical and logistical arrangements to start correctional operations .

The executive director of the locality of Shendi, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, said that the start of the control work to correct the exams is a good indicator of the success of the work of this stage.

The Acting Director of Education and Director of Primary Stage in Shindi, Dr. Muhammad Musa Siddiq, confirmed that the engagement in assessing and achieving this stage is considered a success in itself as the he school year has gone through many challenges and difficulties, and thank goodness. they were overcome by holding class exams and stage exams.

Musa extended his congratulations to all teachers on the occasion of Eid and for what has been achieved so far.

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