The importance of crisis management training in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Crisis management can be defined as the combination of all administrative and technical efforts and expertise in order to generate a response and deal with an emergency variable that would cause serious damage to the stable situation. Relevant authorities must quickly put in place numerous measures to deal with the crisis, and these measures must be of the same “speed and surprise” as the “crisis” to ensure that the strength of the crisis does not prevail over the performance of the parties. concerned by the confrontation, or in other words ensuring “perpetuate the superiority” of the party, or at least proceed in parallel with the crisis, or in the worst case, one step after it. Once the crisis breaks out, it is necessary to create a center to manage it, the aim of which is to form a work cell in a single location. However, in its inauguration and its mode of management, this center depends on numerous prior arrangements at the country level. times of crisis, because the relevant agencies must be involved at all times by creating a database that includes all the most qualified specialists in the sectors of potential crises, paying attention to early warning, collecting information, developing possibilities and ensuring flow. information to the relevant departments of the relevant agency, in addition to developing scenarios and simulation methods to ensure continuous training and preparation for solutions and alternative solutions when the crisis breaks out, and to review previous crises and to identify the mechanisms to deal with them and to identify the points of inability to avoid them during the next crisis, and the need for the database to be complete of all the names of hospitals, clinics and Establishments that can provide support and assistance when the crisis arises, while identifying the best and fastest ways to reach them. , in addition to facilitating the work of common call centers throughout the country to ensure easy access to developments in case the crisis spreads from one region to another. In addition to coordination between all parties, both vertically and horizontally.

However, the working method of the Crisis Management Center differs from the working method before the crisis broke out. Assuming there is a crisis, it is imperative that the crisis management team do everything possible in times of crisis. the first steps to carry out the elements of crisis management, which are (identify the elements of the crisis, limit the crisis, neutralize the crisis), because in case of success in carrying out these tasks, the possibilities of eliminating the crisis will be very large, because this success will help the crisis management team move from a state of managing a “vague” threat to a state of managing a “clear” threat, by examining all information available regarding the crisis, which allows scenarios to be reset. transform into plans in light of developments on the ground. If there is a shortage of information, a state of tension will exist and any recommendations or plans will be impractical until enough information is available. Meanwhile, time is running out. After a period in which the crisis management team hunkered down and held brainstorming sessions to discuss the best plans and ways to deal with the crisis, the crisis management center begins to give its point of view to everyone, proposing scenarios to the decision maker, and communicates with other agencies to provide support and assistance, provided that roles are defined to ensure that nothing happens in the chaos trap, and ensure continuation of the work of the communication room and joint communication rooms throughout the country with the aim of. obtain monitoring reports with the necessary speed and efficiency. It must be taken into account that the commitment to the existence of an organizational pyramid to manage the crisis is something that would facilitate its confrontation and elimination as quickly as possible, provided that each party adheres to its positions in hierarchy and the tasks assigned to it. The pyramid begins at the head of the political authority, responsible for making the decision based on all the recommendations it presents. It includes decision-makers from all these bodies, knowing that the decision-maker's recommendations are not binding. of the decision-maker, it is however preferable to resort to specialists and experienced people. This pyramid is formed by the main institutions and numerous auxiliary groups, such as the coordination group, reconnaissance, communications, etc., in addition to the need to prepare all logistical bodies, such as traffic, civil protection and hospitals. . Crises in general are not a new thing on the international scene, for example the latest crisis represented by the Corona Virus 19, which affected all countries in the world without exception, and the management method differed from country to country. other, or it may be an internal crisis, like the crises of torrents, rains and floods of the Nile in Sudan, although this is repeated almost every year, but its devastating effects every year are not hidden , no more than the Renaissance. Dam crisis, which combines international and local dimensions. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to develop mechanisms to deal with these crises and achieve a sufficient degree of flexibility and cooperation between different agencies, and restore the adjustment of crisis management programs to ensure that the the competent authorities maintain excellence, with the importance of maintaining an open path with public opinion for the purpose of support and support. Finally, it must be emphasized that there is confusion between the notion of disaster and crisis, even if a disaster causes serious destruction. , it is not correct to describe it as a crisis when the crisis is the product of the disaster, in other words, the disaster is a cause of the crisis and is not the crisis itself.

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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