Popular resistance is dignity and struggle – On Low Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

  • The battle for dignity is a national battle for all the Sudanese people.

🟣 Popular resistance is the battle and dignity for the Sudanese. It represents firmness and insistence in defending the land, honor, glory and pride of the homeland, heritage and fundamental human rights.

🟣 The responsibility for managing the resistance file falls on every Sudanese who is going through this difficult national experience, as they must confront injustice and persecution by all means available.

🟣 The struggle for dignity and freedom is a struggle that requires great sacrifices and united efforts from all members of society. By remaining united and determined to achieve justice and equality, we can achieve victory in this real battle for dignity, freedom and justice.

🟣 The record of resistance in Sudan dates back to long decades of struggle and steadfastness against oppression and injustice. The history of resistance in Sudan includes the efforts of many groups, organizations and individuals who worked to protect dignity, rights and freedoms. Those responsible for this issue are the Sudanese who are courageously fighting to preserve their dignity and restore their rights.

🟣 The Battle for Dignity embodies the current conflict in Sudan between the forces of oppression and persecution and the Sudanese people seeking freedom, justice and dignity. Through such battles, awareness of the importance of steadfastness and sacrifice for noble principles and values ​​is strengthened.

🟣 The record of resistance in Sudan reflects the people's insistence on justice, freedom and dignity, and shows the strength of their will in the face of challenges and difficult circumstances.

🟣 Responsibility for the issue of resistance in the Battle of Dignity belongs to all those who defend the dignity of Sudan and oppose organizations that seek to violate human rights, property and security in the country.

🟣 Resistance comes from all groups and segments of Sudanese society who reject injustice and oppression and seek to restore stolen dignity and rights.

🟣 The Battle of Karama will remain a symbol of firmness, sacrifice and solidarity between all Sudanese in the face of the challenges facing their country.

🟣 The issue of resistance in Sudan is a vital and complex issue, as it includes various efforts aimed at protecting the land, dignity and national identity. The resistance comes against a backdrop of civilian, military and political groups facing any attack on national sovereignty and human rights in the country.

🟣 The responsibility for combating these unfair and reprehensible practices lies primarily with the government.

🟣 The aim of popular resistance in general is to resist external forces, foreign intervention, rebellion, labor, mercenary labor and the falsification of the achievements of the nation and the citizen in order to achieve the goals and objectives of its establishment and legitimacy.

🟣 Furthermore, among the goals and objectives that popular resistance can seek are stability and independence. The main goal of popular resistance is to liberate the people from injustice or external occupation and to struggle to achieve freedom and independence.

🟣 Popular resistance also seeks and contributes to preserving the cultural and national identity of the people and preserving cultural heritage and values.

🟣 Spreading justice and achieving equality are among the fundamental goals of popular resistance, through which it aims to achieve social and economic justice and promote equality among members of society.

🟣 Defend rights and achievements. Popular resistance can work to defend human rights, security and stability, and fight to find social and economic solutions that advance the country and its people.

🟣Producing political change is one of the goals of popular resistance. We intend to bring change for the benefit of the country, development, objectives and security of citizens.

🟣 These are some of the goals and objectives that popular resistance can seek in its various forms and orientations.

⭕Letters on fire⭕

🟣 We recommend to citizens and ourselves that popular resistance has the legitimate right and voice of the citizen, and we must support it and participate in the battle for Sudanese dignity and support it in raising awareness of national issues.

🟣 Belonging to the homeland must be done by sacrificing one's life, one's life, one's precious and precious things, and defending oneself from them on the battlefields and battlefields.

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