Don't blame drunkards for what they say! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The statement presented by Ambassador Al-Harith Idris at the latest Security Council session regarding Sudan is the strongest speech delivered by the Sudanese Foreign Ministry since the start of the war started by Ajouba's sons , who destroyed Soba! The speech seems to be “eating hot cheese” for those who have dirty feet and wear only one stinking shoe, in which they issued a statement from which the writer did not wake up from his drunkenness, and between each word he burped rottenly and inhaled that well-known gasp!!

The first point the statement referred to was the rejection of foreign intervention in Sudan, and this is something Habanqa would have heard about and laughed and applauded. They reject foreign intervention and visit the dome of the one who is hostile to them. countries and gives them instructions for this and fills their pockets with emptiness through platforms in which monsters and satanic projects abound. They are as the poet said: Don't ban something and do something like that… Great shame on you if you do.

The second point indicates that the speech was delivered by a party that does not have the constitutional legitimacy which has fallen since October 25, 2021. The question we ask: Did you have constitutional legitimacy before this date? No, and a thousand no's, and I mean that literally, they came by chance, they didn't have a big base, and they practiced the most horrible civil dictatorship in the history of Sudan and became corrupt for the first time times in Sudan. history of world politics, we hear about a new democracy academy called the Khala Driving School!! For the first time in world military history, we hear (military rank followed by the word “khala”)!

From my platform, I look… Where I see… The statement issued by the Prior Coordination Committee regarding Sudan's speech in the Security Council is a statement completely devoid of facts and a disgrace to healthy national agitation, and it seems that it was born in a drunken state… . So don't judge drunks by what they say… And drink it! Maybe the smell of this inspiration will change!!

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