A WhatsApp group for parents' councils in northern Ibri succeeds in preparing the school environment

A group of parent councils in schools in the administrative unit of Ibri, Halfa locality, managed to help prepare the environment for primary schools, boys and girls, and by providing two coolers for the schools primary schools, boys and girls, with large units, locally. manufactured, operating with air conditioner cooling devices, equipped with a large water tank sufficient for the entire school.

A WhatsApp group created by the Parents' Council under the name “Together towards a healthy educational environment” contributed to the success of the initiative, with contributions from council members, philanthropists and expatriates, at a cost amounting to approximately four million pounds.

Chairman of the Parents Council, Mr. Abdo Shubil, said the initiative had achieved unprecedented success.

He added that the council, after the success of the initiative in primary schools, is currently working on the implementation of the initiative in middle schools, and that the council will generalize the initiative to include secondary schools in Ibri .

Shabil called on philanthropists in the region and expatriates who were unable to participate, to contribute to the initiative aimed at filling the gaps in schools to create a suitable environment for students and teachers, which could help to significantly to the stability of the education system. processes in the region.

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