Fall of cities or fall of masks? – From the top of the podium ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Parts of Khartoum have fallen. Yes, places fell and buildings fell with them, but human meanings fell with them, a terrible fall. The goal is not the place!! But the target was the goods the place contained. All the citizens of Khartoum saw their homes invaded because they were leftovers!! The house of the late Captain Sami Ezzedine because it is a house belonging to the remains!! And the house of Faisal Muhammad Saleh, which they applaud now because it is the house of the remains, and even the house of Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi was not spared, ignorantly thinking that it was one of the remains houses!!

Al-Geneina fell, its governor was killed and he was mutilated, and they believed that without shame or fear of the One who created them, some members of a well-known ethnic group were buried alive in the earth in the most horrible crime. that has occurred in modern history.

Madani fell and the same things were done to her, except Madani was somewhat different, in the sense that she had a council which was a government which managed services and administrative matters. However, the members of this caricature government were unable to protect their homes and businesses. preserve their goods, and they saw those whom they chose rob them before them. It’s a funny and crying situation.

All invaded cities were unable to manage their citizens, provide new services, and repair even destroyed facilities. With the fall of these cities, the masks fell and perhaps they would not have appeared. if these cities had not fallen, people with chronic illnesses died because of them. This happened in Nyala and it is happening now in El Fasher when they bombed Al-Fasher hospital.

From my platform I look… where I see… he who reads that the fall of these cities appeared on the lines, the words and the sentences, the ink of the blood, and the fall of the masks has revealed black, dirty faces that did nothing. do not have the characteristics of human beings, faces incarnated by the devil and urinating on their heads, and when the masks fell, the evil and filthy faces appeared and grimaced. His (zombie) fangs are of no use to him. except the sword of Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf when he said: I see heads that have ripened and the time has come to harvest them.

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