Shendi Executive: Rizeigat Coordination Committee Demonstrated What Others Did Not Do

Executive Director of Shendi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said that the Rizeigat Coordination Council, with this decision, determined its position on the war of dignity that is taking place in Sudan at a time when many many princes and tribal leaders were unable to do so. determine their position on this war, and many intellectuals of the people of these tribes have remained silent.

The executive director of the locality of Shendi confirmed in his speech to the Rizeigat coordination delegation arriving in Shendi that the tribes came to come together, strengthen the social fabric, cooperate and coordinate in what serves the nation and the citizen and not did not come to compete or race. for leadership or emirate.

He said Shindi will be a graveyard for anyone who plans to enter with the intention of waging war, destruction or devastation. Indeed, the people of Shindi will be ahead of the sons of Zuraiqat in expelling aggression from East Darfur and all regions. of Sudan.

He explained that Nile Governor Muhammad al-Badawi Abd al-Majid, who was supposed to be present at this meeting, blessed this gathering which took place in the house of Nazir al-Jaaliyin between the sons of Shendi. and al-Matma and the sons of the Rizeigat.

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